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Scammer On Ratsun? ~ "You be the Judge"

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Ok Stoff, I get it, I'll just drop the subject altogether.


Honestly it's a waste of time to post about something that's obvious to 9 out of 10 people.

Like the whole "woke" thing, comedians get a lot of mileage out of it, but that doesn't make it funny. 


Boring, and far from breaking news.

For instance, posting that water is wet, and that the sun rises every morning,,......

everyone already knows this stuff.


If a post doesn't get a laugh or provide information that is new and different, (at least to the reader),

then that post is just a waste of time and taking up space.



I apologize.







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Don't apologize. You're new here. Now you know. The guys who want to hear politics here go to that other thread.


FWIW - Posting about scammers is helpful to those of us who may have been hit up by that guy, or in the case of that other scam thread I oisted a few days ago, a guy on IG claiming to be someone he's not.


And it's fun to talk shit.

About normal people.

Not politicians.

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4 hours ago, Stoffregen Motorsports said:

Don't apologize. You're new here. Now you know. The guys who want to hear politics here go to that other thread.


FWIW - Posting about scammers is helpful to those of us who may have been hit up by that guy, or in the case of that other scam thread I oisted a few days ago, a guy on IG claiming to be someone he's not.


And it's fun to talk shit.

About normal people.

Not politicians.


I'll stick to car / truck talk and cracking jokes.


No sense in rocking the boat

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