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Wagon fuel tank removal and sending unit replacement

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Hi Everyone. Looking for some feedback from those who have done this. I see on my wagon an inspection door for the fuel level sending unit but looks like it may not have enough room to remove it from that inspection door. Have any of you replaced it from this inspection door? 


Second question is wagon fuel level sending units aren't available anymore and I read to use a sedan one but will need some bending to match the wagon model but have any of you used a 240Z unit for a wagon?


Third question is I was looking to drop the tank to get it cleaned of any corrosion and coated. To me looks straight forward in terms of drain the tank from the drain plug and then loosen up the fuel filler hose and any lines connected to the tank ( vapor tank and feed/return lines) but are there any tricks or tips to make for an easy removal and reinstall I should look for? One of my concerns is of course safety and have to make sure the garage is ventilated well and store the gas in safe storage containers. 


Thank you!

Edited by benzo
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The tank has a drain. If possible back it outside and drain it. Use a heat gun to warm and soften the fuel hoses makes them easier to remove and there is less chance of damaging the fuel pipes that are soldered onto the tank. Label all the fuel hoses and where they go a/a b/b etc. Maybe take lots of pictures? Once the tank is out I would work on it outside too.


Replacement may depend on what the problem is. It may just be stuck. Bad ground or  bad connection to the gauge? What's it not doing. Gauge not working?

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@datzenmike Thanks Mike! Unfortunately I can't back the car out into an open area. If I am going to do it at home was going to open all the doors and windows and run a fan as well as shut off any electrical in the area. 


Thanks for the feedback about using a heat gun to soften up the hoses to help removing them to minimize any damage to the hose outlets on the tank. Definitely will label and take pics and measurements.


As to the fuel level sender it seems to be not measuring accurately. If I put in say 8 gallons of gas it only goes to maybe halfway or near or past half tank. I jumped the wires and the guage works. Lends me to think the sender is bad given it is pretty old or in my time of ownership it has never been replaced and it has been over 20 years and from the look of the debris around the area that it may have never been replaced.

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I dropped my tank in mine a good ways back and removed it and it was a bit rusty. I placed it in a container with apple cider vinegar in it for a few days and took it out carefully brushed off any rust still stuck on it. Rinsed it off good and sprayed it down good with some type of lubricant replaced it and so far it's been working. Be careful not to damage the wires that act as a adjustable resister that the contact rides across otherwise it will damage it.

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