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Headlight Trim Rings and Adding/Replacing Tabs

Moist Lightning

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I've finalized production of the much sought after headlight trim rings. You can check them out here


Otherwise I've figured out a method to add tabs to the trim rings. Since the OEM ones are notorious for falling off I thought Id post a how to here as it can be used for OEM or Repop trim rings.


Parts / Tools Required:

• Stainless steel zip ties – 4.6mm wide
• Pliers
• Tin Snips
• Packing Tape
• Small file or soldering iron
• Epoxy – JB weld recommended as its easy to find and cheap but other epoxies designed for metal to metal will work


This method should result in more than adequate adhesion between the tab and ring under normal use. I was only able to get the tabs to come off when I tried to break them off by applying a sideload; they should be fine for normal use. Using a industrial epoxy intended for permanent metal to metal adhesion such as panel bond may increase the bond strength but unfortunately are not available in small/affordable sizes. For additional security it is recommended to tie some fishing line around each ring on the grill. 


1. Cut stainless steel strips into 2.2 inch sections. 


2. Fold the sections in half and crimp


3. Pinch folded sections close to the open end and fold wings in either direction.



4. Test fit tabs. Some holes will need to be widened with a small file or soldering iron. Additionally the top 2 tabs may need to be trimmed so as to not protrude over the edge of the grill. 



5. Place Strips of packing tape over the tab holes on the grill and cut a slit in the tape.

IMG_20221015_1351036-1024x576.jpg IMG_20221015_1351037-1024x576.jpg

6. Sand and clean the tab wings and the back of the trim ring where they will make contact. Ensure to wipe finger grease from both as it can prevent epoxy from mating. The strength of the adhesion will be dependent on your prep work.


7. Place tabs in grill holes. Mix epoxy and place on tab wings, try to make a small pile that will squish down when you place the ring on top.

IMG_20221015_1351039-1024x576.jpg IMG_20221015_13510311-1024x576.jpg

8. Place trim ring over tabs on grill. While holding down the trim ring reach behind the grill and press the tab up into the ring to ensure good contact.


9. Leave to dry for twice as long as your epoxy recommends. Being sandwiched between the tape and trim ring may cause the dry time to increase.


If you dont have the tools to make/install tabs here are some other options.

Silicone – Just like the tabs you should sand back of rings and clean all surfaces of oil and grease first.

3m adhesive, Either a thick doubles sided tape or emblem adhesive. Should be able to remove them with a bit of heat, Not sure how much heat would be required and if it would warp the grill.

Extra Security: Tie some fishing line around each trim ring on the grill. No one will see it unless they are a few feet away. If you go to a show just cut it off and tie on a new one before you go.


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