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Bill Money

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I got sad news to report.  Bill Money, who ive known through my dad for about 26 years now, has passed away :(    My dad and him were great friends for 26 years.  Bill had hooked alot of us up on parts through vancouver bc nissan for many, MANY years.  He got alot of you parts that you didnt think you could get anymore.    He was an amazing man,  who loved datsuns.  He had an amazing 1200.    I just wanted to share, because i know a few on here knew him.  He passed early this morning from what i heard from my dad. 

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I talked to him a couple of month ago when he was looking for a switch . Morrisun put me in touch with him  and he turned out to have been room mates with the guy I got the locker stash from.We talked for a hour or so....seemed like a very nice person( even offered to pick me up at the ferry and take me out for a ride in his Sedan)

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It sucks,  because he was told 6 months a few weeks ago from what i was told,  then it went down to most likely not making it to the end of this week :(   I feel bad because my dad was going to go up friday, and say his final goodbye.   Bill was an amazing man,  who got alot of us hard to find parts.   Just wish he could of went in a more peaceful way :(   Cancer is a bitch, and taken way to many that i care about. 

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