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crazy tachometer problem


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Okay so I hook up the tach and as soon as I turn the truck on the needle jumps to 5 and doesn't move until I turn the key off.  Any ideas about whats happening here? Oh by the way its on my 620 and the tach is an original from a 620.




Turn the key to ON or start the motor?


5 RPM?  hundred? thousand?

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Ahhh, you see I read it was a '79 620 tach. Yes it could be an induction type and won't just wire up to a '79. If it is it CAN be wired up without too much trouble.


Inductive type tach... note #4 and#5 wire loops through




Voltage signal. (your '79 should have this one)620tach.jpg

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Yes, I've heard that will work. It is not the way Datsun wired inductive tachometers but if it works, then it works.


The 1979 has a wire under the dash that supplies power to the ignition coil (in addition to the 1979 tachometer wire). Inductive tach does need a wire to "go to" the tach, instead the tachometer senses the current changes flowing though the wire.

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Thanks DM,Dat 510,GGZilla, for the quick replies. Sorry I've been away for the weekend. Okay I turn it on and started and the tach jumps up to 5000 and stays there.  I  rev the motor and it stays there.  It doesn't move at all except for when I shut it down and back to nothing.  Of sorry I have the voltage type tach.  So my other question is there too much voltage going there and do you think I'm going to try to hook this up an alternate way?

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