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New "RULES" for the JCCS show 2014

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Somebody please hand out the Midol for all this Vagina aching! Sweet fucking yeezus on a forklift! It's their show and they make the call. Don't like it, don't fucking go! More room for us!! :thumbup:

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That is why you don't see me going to jccs JOHN. Even people who spend money on their car don't even win. I have seen the cleanest z's and cars and they never win. People who have won before, wont even get considered again. As one previous best of show participant of jccs one said. "i spend hours, money and time on my car. I made it totally different for 2013 with new parts and accessories. Their excuse for not letting him win this year was. "let someone else win"". 


So if by that idea. JCCS is a sham. For rich or poor, your only buying the idea that your car is "cool" by socializing with the correct people. I rather just drive my cars and enjoy it. puts a smile on my face instead of dealing with this. I don't care if my cars or trucks win or not. I am already ahead by not attending. 

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