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trouble with an l16 with a weber 32/36

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Hey guys I am new here and just bought a 72 510 wagon. Anyways, I am having trouble getting it started. I am getting spark on all four cylinders and the fuel pump is working great. The ballast resistor is working and I have strong vacuum


currently i have a 130 primary and a 140 secondary. The idle jets are 52 and 50 and air correctorjets are 165 primary and 170 secondary. Emulsion tubes are both f50.


So I can get it to run, but it idles like a tractor and eventually dies when I take the choke off. Whenever I try to give it gas it sputters and dies. I have tried adjusting the idle mix and idle speed, but it doesn't improve anything. Just want to verify if this a carb issue or some type of flux capacitor I don't know about

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I get a strong fuel stream from the pump jet. A clogged primary I haven't thought of. I a gonna get a scotch brite and cleanse the thing. Also going to go buy some new jets. Thanks I get a strong fuel stream from the pump jet. A clogged primary I haven't thought of. I a gonna get a scotch brite and cleanse the thing. Also going to go buy some new jets. Thanks

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They don't wear out. No need to change them. The primary and secondary should not be swapped. Put the primary back where it belongs and take a good look at it when doing so. Be sure it's clean. Also take a good look in the bottom of the fuel bowl for more dirt or crap that will just plug it again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I alwasy start out with a motor ck of the timming then the distributor. also the fire order. once this is cked then look at the carb. I would ck the ballast and the coil if correct also. If wront coil it could mak it look like a carb.

Carb I would ck the idle jet on the side to make sure its clean.


If you say the accel pump is working then the car should run on that for a little bit if you keep pumping the gas. it would be like pouring a little gas in there a little at a time.

also a bad condensor could make that look bad also or a worn dist shaft bushing. If you can wihggle the dizzy shaft side to side this will prematurely open the points to make it fire.




olddatsuns.com ck out the tech section

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