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Ethanol, The Ponzi Scheme and YOU: A Retrospective.

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No absolutely, go to any number of stores and find wall to wall Chinese bullshit. A person has to constantly be mindful to avoid it when they can. I boycott Walmart for more then their Chinese garbage. Their practices are shitty as well. Their employees are like fucked in this loop of not being able to find a better job because Walmart closed all the competing stores and needing food stamps, only being able to afford to shop AT Walmart and give their paychecks right back. 




You can start right at the brown eye lmao 


I have been unemployed making ends meet doing side work for a long time now. Needing to be rich to afford not to shop at Walmart is a sad point to try and make. I also happen to live in one of the most expensive places in this country. Its very possible to live well not perpetuating the bullshit cycle of Walmart.


Nerdi I demand ponzi to my standards!!!

^^this is why I laugh when people start complaining about walmarts practices.  you're unemployed but manage to make ends meet doing side work, and can afford to not shop at walmart.  so whats the excuse of the people that work there and cant manage to do the same, with a steady(maybe not great, but steady) job?  the problem isn't walmart, it isn't the Chinese, its our own society, and the last few generations have (mostly) just wanted shit handed to them without having to work for it.  if you cant afford to live off 20 hours a week at minimum wage(don't know many who can) get a second job, or a third. or get to work finding a job that pays decently and will give you 40+.  don't have any skills? great! go make some.  the gov't will even pay you to make some. I've got a buddy that worked shit jobs for years, got tired of it, applied for fafsa, he got 4.5k a quarter for living expenses, plus his entire community college education payed for scott free, and now makes 18 an hour as a machinist. took him a year and a half.  most of the guys on the anodize line in my shop make 15+ an hour if they stick it out, most don't stick it out because its too difficult to move 5 pound racks by hand, stand over 180 degree tanks for 8 hours, and occasionally a small amount of chemical splashes on you and makes your skin itch until you wash it off with a bit of water.  not shopping at walmart wont do shit to them, because it will be done in too small of numbers(not knocking you tristin or 72240z, nothing wrong with deciding to not do it) but if their workforce decided to stop being lazy fucks and go find something better instead of sitting around whining about how shitty their job was, walmart would be out of business, or would be filling those jobs with the people that they were originally intended for.  they don't call shit "entry level" just for shits and giggles.  its meant to have a high turnover rate, and those that stay move up, its not meant to be a career.

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well politics does at least. sometimes fml goes ok, at least for those of us not saying it lol.  and mike, you have no idea how much I wish I could be like you and ride my bike to work.  but I think that the 35 mile one way trip might do me in...maybe time to start lookin for a job closer to home.

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Making skills all day!! Jesus...

I make more bsing around doing side work then they do working 35 hours a week. Thats one of the major points you missed. Walmart is the largest pvt employer in the usa and you think all those people have the means or ability to just go to school or "make skills"? Even if they could what do you think it would do to the economy? Why even think about it, just throw your hands in the air and say it wont make a difference either way. Thats the kind of thinking that really gets things done... 

You may laugh but I find it way to sad to. 

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Sounds like i should bring the turtle back again. This thread has hit its lowest threshold for turtle-ly-ness

LMAO ya more turtle 



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Making skills all day!! Jesus...


I make more bsing around doing side work then they do working 35 hours a week. Thats one of the major points you missed. Walmart is the largest pvt employer in the usa and you think all those people have the means or ability to just go to school or "make skills"? Even if they could what do you think it would do to the economy? Why even think about it, just throw your hands in the air and say it wont make a difference either way. Thats the kind of thinking that really gets things done... 


You may laugh but I find it way to sad to. 

I didn't miss that point at all. I was pretty clear about if they cant afford to live off what they make, get a second, or third job....and while I don't think all of those people have the ability to go to school or make skills, I do believe that most do, and that all of them have the means to if they would do a little legwork with it.  they can, and this is by no means a comprehensive list, apply for federal aid, apply for state aid, apply for grants, apply for loans, apply for scholarships, apply to the few free colleges around the country, join the military,  come to Oregon(http://abcnews.go.com/Business/oregon-legislature-approves-tuition-free-college-pilot-program/story?id=19577994#.UdeMMFrn_IU), join a tradeschool, or join jobcorp.  theres a plethora of ways to better yourself.  most peoples first jobs aren't ones that they can live off of, but as time goes on some put in the work to better themselves, and some stay in the same position.  some of those that stay in the same position like it there, and that's fine if that's what they want to do.  but theres no reason anyone that isn't handicapped in some way(and even many that are) cant work themselves into a better job.  and the economy thing is kinda countering your initial talk of how bad walmart is...if the economy wont survive them having to scale back or going under then what are we arguing about?

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yes yes....thats much better...much...more ermm whats the word im looking for......turtle-ly yes! thats it turtle-ly. The turtle levels in this thread have recovered rather nicely i believe.


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scientists havent quite identified what causes me to not be in sync with reality as of now. I suppose some people would find it desirable to have my completely random disposition


Are you trying to say i shouldnt drink the pretty looking green liquid i put in the radiator of my truck i take it? :confused: :poke: :ninja: :w00t:


oh and umm...turtles!

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you guys cant go around blaming the stores all day, ultimately it is you who both votes and decides another countries GDP with YOUR dollar. if you didnt buy what you had bought over the last 50 years arguabley we wouldnt be buying in china, and we wouldnt have as many shitbags in office. you wonder how the votes come in to play? Lobbying, thats where a good portion of your money goes when you buy shit.


as I said YOU vote with YOUR dollar. be it for politicians, or for supporting China.

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