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Pitman arm and steering box arm 620 73

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You should be able to buy a new pitman arm, I don't think you should install a used one.

I had no trouble getting a new pitman arm for my 620 earlier this week.

Whell that i can get at rock auto but still need the steering box arm.....

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The steering box arm is the Pitman arm.


The other one is called the idler arm.

Ok that makes sense. I was thinking that but evertyime i search for a pitman arm online it comes up as the idler arm. I thought may be i had my terminology mixed up, but im glad you cleared it up for me lol. Oh the internet these days, it lues to you hahha

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It's a matter of conformity. If left to the poster we would have 30 different colors that are harder and  harder  to read to


Just want everyone to be able to communicate and be understood.  harder and harder 

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You've complained about this several times before. Why don't you as a moderator request that Ratsun disable the various colors and small fonts? Then if they actually do it, problem solved forever. The colors don't bother me. But the small font size do. Why does Ratsun allow someone to use a font so small nobody can read it?

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Long story short gofreit fittings that i put in only fit the jeep tie rods.. I found out a bit too late after i had them welded in. Now the arm is useless since no machine shop is willing to make a custom center link for the jeep tie rods.

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