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Since when is ignorance a real defense? You cant use pictures you find that may be copyrighted for financial gain without permission plain and simple. Its a very well known z, a simple search on it would have yielded the owner and even photographer. Do shit right or dont do it at all, the community will get over it.

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Well you can look at that picture and say "hey I know that guy!", I cant and I am sorry but when I find a random image on google it is very diffucult to track down the source and verify the orginal owner of it. If you want to contact your friend and put him in touch with me feel free, i dont even have a way to verify your telling the truth either so the water starts to get a little merky on the internet...


I think everyone here can vouch that that's Yutas car... Hell, you google Yutas Z and I'm sure that would come up. It's s very popular ride because it was featured online ( I don't know why, never a fan of it personally).

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I think there's a better way to go about this than jumping all over this guy. There are people all over the place making money off of pictures of other people or their possessions without their written and expressed consent. Every pic of a Datsun is a Datsun that belongs to someone else. This day in age everyone's gotten so sue happy and so up tight about their "rights" that it makes me sick. I don't necessarily care for this particular car, but I do like the fact that people like the OP are using their imagination, and wanting to share their creativity. I just bought a shirt from another member on here with a picture of an L-series engine on it. It also says, "Datsun" in the lower corner. I don't think Nissan is going to come after the guy for royalties because he's making merchandise with their name(which probably doesn't even come out to a profit after all the materials, work, etc..).


Let's not split hairs, here. We are a community, and if someone's blatantly ripping someone else off, call BS. If we're just nit picking because we have nothing better to do, then clam up and wash the sand out of your vagina. I really doubt that this guy is trying to make a fortune off of Yuta's car, and with MotorMaven's precious, hard work.


OP, if this Yuta fella or MM have an issue, just ditch the pic of the car. It's ugly any way. If you want to make one of a 610(and I hope you do), I have a number of em you can have pics of. If you want some specific pics or different shots, they may not be professional, but they'll be free. And further more, if you want pics of ANY model of Datto, and need help finding any, let me know; I can think of probably any model you could think of just off the top of my head, along with an owner that doesn't have his(or her) panties in a wad about having their car on on a sticker. We're a tight community here, and if need be, I think I could help you locate worthy candidates of any model that you jolly well please that would be more than happy to support your creativity and the benefit of the community. Don't get discouraged. Keep coming up with sweet ideas.

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or you can just take your own fucking pictures and make a stupid shirt or sticker no one gives a fuck about.


Obviously you give a fuck if your panties are in a bunch.

And not everyone sits on their ass all day and photoshops.


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