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Laptop problems

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So i went to go sell my Hp probook 6555b laptop and called tech service to make sure i factory reset it the right way. They told me to do a disk sanitation on it. 16 hours later it is complete i went to go turn on now i keep getting a disk error press any key to restart.


before it goes to the disk error on start up it says media failure please check cable pxe-e61 on the startup. have a guy cumming tomorrow to buy it so any help would be great.

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The reason it is saying PXE error is because it is set up for network boot.


This is what you need to do. It may be different on your end, but it'll be slightly different for every laptop - but, the theory is the same.


At boot up, you need to start BIOS/Setup. Once you're there, look for boot setting configuration (could be boot order, boot devices, etc).

It will have a heirarchy of different options. Usually it'll show a DVD/CD drive, a hard drive (HDD), USB, Network (PXE), etc.


You need to set it to HDD as the first boot device, and if you can disable Network boot entirely, do so. It's almost never used, and certainly not by any home user. That's corporate stuff.

Default is usually removable storage, such as a DVD or USB key, but for the sake of simplicity (and not having to check for a device at startup) just set the first boot device to your hard drive.


Reboot, and it should work.


Some how, it has set network boot as the first boot device. As I said, it's never used. But if it's set to primary/1st boot device, it will give you that exact problem.


Hope that helps.

If it doesn't, please send me a PM, or reply in this thread. I'll check it out throughout the evening to see how things went.

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In addition, you can also reset back to default configuration. Usually this will be labeled in the BIOS as "Set System Defaults" or "Load Setup Defaults". Can also be labeled as "Failsafe Defaults". Most settings other than the default won't help any, and is going to be the burden of the new owner any ways. On a desktop system it's more prudent to go in and change settings around (there's a lot more configurable variables than a laptop). But for laptops, defaults are generally the only setting worth using. Some BIOS' don't include a boot device priority, and you can only change boot devices during startup via a different menu. (Such as "ESC - Boot Devices")... the defaults will be what the BIOS is set to right from the factory.

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so on boot order its set for

network hdd

network upgrade bay

usb floppy

usb cd-rom

usb hard drive

notebook ethernet

sd card

dock upgrade bay


this is correct?


and went i set it to default the network upgrade bay is one above the network hdd


still doesn't work.

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This is what your boot order should be set to

(using the list of options you provided above)


USB Hard Drive

USB CD-Rom (This can be on top too, allows you to boot from CD automatically, if no bootable CD is present, it moves to the next on the list, which should be your HDD)

SD Card

Notebook Ethernet

Dock Upgrade Bay

Network HDD

Network Upgrade Bay


I am curious as to why it doesn't show a Hard Disk Drive other than USB HDD. Is this a netbook? It should show a hard drive that isn't USB, and it should be the very top of the list.


Try setting it the way it is above, and see if it works that way... it IS possible that you have a bad hard drive (hence why it doesn't appear in that list) and the BIOS isn't detecting it. Very, very rare case though (but not unheard of... they DO go out).


Try that and see, Jalen.




If the above doesn't fix the issue, search the BIOS to load setup defaults/failsafe defaults.

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i did some tampering and now the configuration is

so on boot order its set for


1.network upgrade bay

2.notebook hdd

3.usb floppy

4.usb cd-rom

5.usb hard drive

6.notebook ethernet

7.sd card

8.dock upgrade bay

so the harddrive is showing up

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Yeah. Welcome to HP.


Now try dealing with them all the time like I do.


It's funny this is happening because I am currently dealing with an HP laptop (Presario F500) with a wireless issue. Wireless simply won't work... found out from tech support that it's a known issue and since this model (and the F700) were so short-lived (wonder why) that it was never recalled but would be replaced by a new (bad) one via warranty. :/


I'm a fan of Dell, personally - they seem to have the least amount of issues, at least in my trade. I've had my fair share of warranty issues with almost all brands. Acer being the worst. Toshiba isn't much better. Dell, as long as it's in warranty, is always the best and easiest to deal with. HP on occasion gives me a smooth warranty process but sometimes they can be a real pain in the ass. That, and I can't generally understand most of the tech's... I don't speak Dirka.


TPM stands for "Trusted Platform Module", and it's a security thing built into some commercial-class laptops. Usually there is an option in the BIOS to clear this. Sometimes there isn't. I'm not familiar with that model off-hand, but try google and see if you can come up with something. It's possible the reason the HDD isn't showing up is because it's been locked out by a password, hence the TPM prompt.


At this point I am not sure exactly how to help you, without having it in my hands and looking at it myself.


Is the laptop still under warranty? I'd honestly try to just get it replaced if you've exhausted all other options.

Else, continue to deal with technicians over the phone until you find a solution. It's not unheard of for me to go through 3 or 4 tech's before finally getting what I wanted. In the end if it's under warranty, just demand a replacement.

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Also, set the first boot device to notebook HDD if you can. That was the original goal, after all.


As I said before, you want all network boot options to be either disabled/removed from teh list entirely, or set to the lowest priority (bottom of the list). Your first boot device should be set to Notebook HDD. That's the important part. Having network upgrade bay set to the first boot device is what is likely preventing you to boot.

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