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name this bolt (water pump)


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i hope this works i kinda suck at posting pictures ..............






anyway this picture is off of a 72 521 pickup truck. i noticed water leaking from my water pump yesterday and tore into my old girl to find out what the hell was going on and it appears my rebuild guys stripped out the 13mm head bolts on this thing (either that or they were already screwed prior to rebuild) needless to say i was pissed. anyway got new bolts and put some water pump RTV as a replacement to the paper gasket and noticed a bolt is missing(not my fault got the truck this way thought it was a mounting pin). its the hole closest to the alternator arm. can anybody tell me the specs of this bolt? i tried this http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsun520/Datsun520521Index/Engine1600L16/WaterPump/tabid/1399/Default.aspx

and i believe the bolt is an M-6 however i still dont know thread size or length

as always your help is very appreciated

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That bolt is nothing special. Take out the one next to it, go to your local auto parts store, and they will sell you another for about $1. When you take out the next bolt, test to see if it will screw into the bolt hole. The bolts look mis-matched in your photo.

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i believe there is a whole lot on this girl that is mismatched (i imagine my baby has run the gambit of bad relationships prior to me) i typically plug stuff back in in accordance to what was there before. anyway i tried all the bolts on the pump in that hole. the 10mm head bolts wont catch on anything and the my new M-8s (13mm head) wont fit in the hole. i did this little job twice today first time i just replaced the stripped bolts, second i put the rtv on. i dont want to drain and pull my rad a third time. the neighbors are stink-eyeing my little green streams

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All the water pump bolts are the same (or are *supposed* to be the same). Sounds like it is stripped out. You did try a water pump bolt, right? I mean you have a bunch of them right there bolted to the water pump.


You don't need to drain the water to fix one bolt hole (even if it is stripped).

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the originals and the new ones tried them all i am betting my shit is like a bad cartoon anyway here is a shot of the the bolts that came off my pump:






the two long bolts were situated left of the alternator arm the longest bolt at the bottom of the pump. the smallest bolt in the photo i just pulled off the truck there are two of them right of the alternator arm. none of these bolts will fit in the hole in question.


i put a griffin aluminum rad in my little booger and there is only about an inch of clearance between it and the belt assembly on my water pump i actually do have drain and pull my radiator to just get the belt pully off of the the pump . its a pain in the ass but its a damn good radiator. ill post some pics whenever i get this water pump leak dicked

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Good way to ensure you have leaks is to use RTV. Plus you put enough on there for it to splooge out all over. It did the same inside, so now you have RTV chunks plugging up your radiator.


The gasket not only seals it but it also sets the clearance between the impeller and the timing cover. No gasket could mean you nor have aluminum shavings in the coolant too.


BTW you're missing a timing cover bolt too.

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