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Bloomsday Tomorrow! - Spokane, WA

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So I signed up to run Bloomsday this year. My co-worker Alex (a young 23) and I have a little competition going. Unfortunately he caught a cold a day or two ago, so I'm guessing his times will be impacted. I'm a little worried I'm fighting it off, so I've done nothing on my weekend trying to beat it. Think I'll be okay for tomorrow morning's race. Just feeling slightly run down at the moment.


Prior to that I've been running quite a bit and doing a decent training regimen, though I'm not back to the shape I was in during high school cross country and track. Looking to beat Alex anyway, seeing as a win is a win, sick or not. ;) And I have 20 bucks and a case of beer to buy if I lose. And we can't have that, can we!!??


If it's not too much trouble, wish some good luck my way for being able to maintain a 7 minute mile or thereabouts. I'm going to try and be in the 50-55 minute range. We'll see how that goes!



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Good job. I came through About 1:20. I rolled my ankle on a crack in one of our lovely streets before mile 7. Had to hobble the rest of it to keep from getting disqualified.


And tendril, we don't win anything unless you can run with the Kenyans at the start of the entire thing. They run it in something like 25 minutes, maybe less, never looked into it.

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Yep, those damn Kenyans are fast. I've been sleeping and icing on the couch. Went out to lunch with the parents, ate WAY too much, actually felt worse. Starting to digest now, getting back to normal. My calfs and knees were hurting like a sonofabitch.


I just checked last year's results. Simon Ndirangu (Kenya) did it in 33:58. That's freakin' smokin. Shit, that's like 4:50 miles. For 7.5 miles. Wow.

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Haha, I beat Alex!! Youth does not conquer all! :) And Russ owes me $20! Ahhh, sweet victory! My time was officially 59:39, so actually 4 seconds quicker than I calculated.

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