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EFI Manifold, Deleteable pieces.


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Alright, so I'm going to be going through the manifold on my 280z, it has an EFI manifold, with many, many things attached to it. Being that I don't care about smog, I wanted to know what I can and cannot remove, without having some huge adverse effect to my car.


My plan was to go through it since I'm getting a header and the IM needs to come off to properly install the header. Meaning, the intake manifold will come off, be stripped down and cleaned, then I'll be putting in new fuel injectors, and replacing the huge ugly loop fuel rail with a different one, and getting a new FPR.


So, for example, is the cold start injector really needed? I've unhooked it a few times to see, and the car starts fine with it unhooked. The EGR will be coming out, but what about the airpump? Stuff like that


The manifold in question:


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...I didn't think that any 280z came with an air pump...


I meant the Air Regulator sorry about that :rofl:


I found the thread on Hybrid Z, but it doesn't give me all the particular info I'm looking for.


For example, if I remove the cold start injector, which is run by the thermotime switch according to the efi manual, can I thus remove the thermotime switch? or is it still needed for something else?

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The thermotime switch is located on the thermostat housing you can remove it if you want but not a big advantage disadvantage except for looks.


Alright that being said, I can assume that the thermotime switch is quite literally only used for the cold start injector.


removal will accomplish nothing.And you are still subject to the SMOG laws.


Hello! While I did not particularly ask for opinions on what I should do with my EFI manifold, I appreciate your concern for the California state smog laws! However there are a few concerns I have with your post.


#1 being that you said "removal will accomplish nothing". Which I found interesting as the whole point of my thread and my general idea was to clean up my engine bay and remove pieces that are not needed for the car to run. Which makes me think, well, clearly removal will accomplish exactly what I set out to do. Clean up my engine bay and remove things that I do not need for the car to function as a car.


#2 this continuation in your post about smog laws, had I said "hello all I'm making a all out race car that will not be driven on the street ever and I need to know what I can remove!" I guarantee your post would not even exist!


As said however I appreciate your concern! :thumbup:

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Alright that being said, I can assume that the thermotime switch is quite literally only used for the cold start injector.




1)Hello! While I did not particularly ask for opinions on what I should do with my EFI manifold, I appreciate your concern for the California state smog laws! However there are a few concerns I have with your post.


2)#1 being that you said "removal will accomplish nothing". Which I found interesting as the whole point of my thread and my general idea was to clean up my engine bay and remove pieces that are not needed for the car to run. Which makes me think, well, clearly removal will accomplish exactly what I set out to do. 3)Clean up my engine bay and remove things that I do not need for the car to function as a car.


4)#2 this continuation in your post about smog laws, had I said "hello all I'm making a all out race car that will not be driven on the street ever and I need to know what I can remove!" I guarantee your post would not even exist!


5)As said however I appreciate your concern! :thumbup:


Sorry Mike-i've been up since noon yesterday-too tired to breath,plus, just got in a shipment of AP bazooka ammo.


1)I couldn't give a rats ass about CA SMOG laws.I'm just not going to let some ne'er do well suggest to otthers that it's a good idea to remove SMOG equipt. from that generation Z.Legalities is another discussion.

2)Again,your OP doesn't state this.ANd make up your mind:"Function as a car or a race car"? Pick one.


3)You did not phrase it like that.You must of have gone to school in LAUSD

4)Please show where the race car reference is in your opening post.

5)Think long & hard as you're headed down a dangerous road.

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Sorry Mike-i've been up since noon yesterday-too tired to breath,plus, just got in a shipment of AP bazooka ammo.


1)I couldn't give a rats ass about CA SMOG laws.I'm just not going to let some ne'er do well suggest to otthers that it's a good idea to remove SMOG equipt. from that generation Z.Legalities is another discussion.

2)Again,your OP doesn't state this.ANd make up your mind:"Function as a car or a race car"? Pick one.


3)You did not phrase it like that.You must of have gone to school in LAUSD

4)Please show where the race car reference is in your opening post.

5)Think long & hard as you're headed down a dangerous road.


Hello once again! I think you misunderstood what I was saying, Perhaps this is because as you yourself stated you were too tired to even breathe! I can't even begin to imagine that.


1) As I do not know what a ne'er is I'm not quite sure how to respond to this other than that however, perhaps some insight as to WHY it would be a poor idea to remove this smog equipment would help, instead of an overtly negative post saying "it's pointless". However I understand that would be perhaps far too convenient. It clearly makes much more sense to just post a "don't do it" however if the world was full of "just don't do it" I feel we would not progress as a society or an individual.


2) Though my post did not state word for word that I wished to remove things for the idea of cleanliness I suppose if you really read what was posted you could easily imagine that it was implied, however that is my mistake in assuming you saw that. However my particular race car example was just that, an example. Hence the "Had I said" which means if I had stated I was building a race car. However I am not building a race car, nor did I say "I am building a race car" If you must know however, since you like specifics and all. I am making a car that I enjoy to drive. I enjoy to look at, and well enjoy all around. In this statement you can see that I enjoy to look at my vehicle, I also enjoy to look at the engine bay. This being the case I don't want to see things that are not there for the car to function. Aside the fact I'm sure half of the stuff that's on my car currently no longer functions, I like clean simplicity.


3) I do not see how the school system that I am and or was in had anything to do with anything. Last I checked I could spell things correctly, and function in society. However the snide remark of my schooling was rather uncalled for, again though, you could be grumpy from the lack of oxygen so I can understand why you would respond in your mannerism.


4) Please refer to the above numbers!


5) I'm not quite sure if what you're saying here is meant to be threatening or a warning, in the sense that if I remove the parts of my EFI manifold my wheel will fall off suddenly at 100 MPH. Being that I'm unsure of this I will address both sides! If you are trying to be threatening, why? What have I done to you in your life for you to come into a thread I created genuinly asking for help, and be so overtly negative? I thought forums were around to essentially form a community of people who all had a love for the same thing, in this case Datsuns. If someone needed help I wouldn't be cynical and tell them that what they're doing is pointless I would attempt to help and educate them on why what they want to do is incorrect. As per the otherside if what you say is a warning because my wheel might fall off at 100 MPH, well why? What would cause my wheel to suddenly loosen itself and fly off of my vehicle in relation to my EFI manifold being changed? (I will include a side note of the wheel flying off due to my EFI manifold being changed something that would not likely happen, however you seem to take everything I say to some literal point so, as said it was just used as an example that is unrealistic)


Also in a final note, I was being serious about the smog laws part, generally people don't care about smog laws, and I figured you were trying to be the person that was correct by saying "you shouldn't remove that it's against the law and it's harmful to our home" However you yourself stated that you don't care about smog laws, so I guess that doesn't particularly apply.

Regardless I do appreciate your posts, and I am being serious when I say that, so please don't assume that I'm not. I'm just trying to learn more and figure out what I can do to my car to make it better. Thanks! :thumbup:

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At the risk of throwing gas on this camp fire the expression was "ne'er do well"... look it up.


I believe that removing or modifying any emissions system is illegal even if it's almost impossible to be caught because of zero testing or apathy by anyone who knows or enforces the law. Frankly, who cares, but it's still illegal all the same. California laws are quite strict on this and even if not tested you may still have to have the emissions equipment still on the vehicle. Oh I see it's a '76 so yes it will be subject to testing or perhaps it's better to say it's at risk of being tested. If this happens it would be handy to have kept the parts you took off so you can put them back on?


Other than "cleaning up the engine bay" or " removing things that are not there for the car to function" the bother to take them off (and possibly back on again) is totally up to you.

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I noticed the ne'er do well phrase afterwards, I skimmed that part and didn't fully get it until I went back and re-read it.


I know the stuff would be a hassle to put back on, I'm not too worried about that however. I just don't want to remove any key component that could potentially damage the car. Being that most of my experience is with Hondas, newer ones no less. I'm not entirely sure of everything on this motor. Of course I do love learning all about it and seeing all the different design differences, and i try to do my own research, unfortunately it doesnt always answer my questions.

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Air regulator/choke can be removed....although.... on cold mornings you'll have to keep your foot on the 'throttle' until the engine warms up

The Haynes manual for that year/model with have a detailed description on the individual EFI components

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Try google, then type in ratsun and then search.


I've been looking around at different stuff, but I'll continue to search, Thank you!


Air regulator/choke can be removed....although.... on cold mornings you'll have to keep your foot on the 'throttle' until the engine warms up

The Haynes manual for that year/model with have a detailed description on the individual EFI components


You know that's why I figured that particular system of my car wasn't even working currently. My car does not raise it's own idle when cold. I have to hold my foot on the throttle as is.


I do have 2 FSM's, another form of manual, and I've downloaded the "EFI Bible", and while these are great resources, none of them exactly say "You can remove this with no adverse affect to your car". My main issue is I don't know if any of the systems that are on the car, affect other parts of it, of if they just soley effect the one piece. Thanks for your input though!

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Well...none will actually tell you that..."You can remove this with no adverse affect to your car"

But....the Haynes will explain its purpose with a little more detail.....thus giving you info what circuit the component is 'running'

Obviously anything with the cold start.....which includes the thermo time switch can be removed, as Ratty260z suggested.

Just keep eliminating shit until it runs like crap....then start re'installing till it improves :D

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Well...none will actually tell you that..."You can remove this with no adverse affect to your car"

But....the Haynes will explain its purpose with a little more detail.....thus giving you info what circuit the component is 'running'

Obviously anything with the cold start.....which includes the thermo time switch can be removed, as Ratty260z suggested.

Just keep eliminating shit until it runs like crap....then start re'installing till it improves :D


Of course by no means am I looking for a literal "you can remove this with no adverse affect to your car" haha. I'll have to search around for a Haynes manual as well.


All in all not a terrible idea, *removes piston*"huh the cars running odd, I think this may have been needed" :rofl:


Based upon what I've looked at I'm sure most of it can be removed without any real problems, now I just need a few more new parts and I'll be able to start tearing into it, thanks!

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