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Soda can solar heater. 80-120*F increase. Free heating for your garage.

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This is a really neat idea. The guy took about 150 soda cans, some 2x4s, a sliding glass door, and some foam insulation and built a solar furnace to heat his garage. I'm think you might be able to forego the cans and use the foam (sealed on the back and against the glass) to make a horizontal zig-zag "ladder" pattern and achieve similar or better results since the air would have to snake back and forth instead of rising straight up can columns.


Looking on Craigs list, it looks like there's always people getting rid of sliding doors and windows for cheap. Thought some of you might like the idea.





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If this is a forced air then sideways would work but air doesn't like going sideways and needs large unrestricted pipes. The efficiency could be increased by using mirrors to double the sunlight . Assuming you have 2 square meters that would collect about 2,800 watts of heat but this is optimistically high if everything was perfect and no losses. For one thing the black doesn't absorb perfectly and there's poor insulation but perhaps 1,800 watts might be reasonable.

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If this is a forced air then sideways would work but air doesn't like going sideways and needs large unrestricted pipes. The efficiency could be increased by using mirrors to double the sunlight . Assuming you have 2 square meters that would collect about 2,800 watts of heat but this is optimistically high if everything was perfect and no losses. For one thing the black doesn't absorb perfectly and there's poor insulation but perhaps 1,800 watts might be reasonable.

I was thinking that, as the air heated, it would increase in pressure, forcing a bit of convection, but a small fan on the inlet would be even easier. If the vertical can columns let you make it passive, then even better, especially if the inlet is plumbed into the garage as well, so it's heating warmer air. Build a few of them and have an array. And hell, in Portland, it would be considered lawn art.

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Instead of mirrors maybe just use foil backed insulation.




But the story was posted in June and his readings were taken a couple of days before written in 85 degree weather..so whether it would actually work NOT in the summer is still in question.

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They're manufacturing these in Newfoundland and using them to heat facilities in the provincial capital, Fort McMurray.






Concerned about how resilient they aah for winter operation? Take a spy at the ingenuity of this fellow roight heere, do the computations, and make necessary adjustments to the design of the unit:



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