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how do i ?

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You have to post more than 166 times to get much of a reputation, unless you're kami, then one post will probably do! :P Technically rep is meaningless, like kingbee who failbombed the early Canby thread and got ridiculous negative rep. But he's an alright guy. Other than that, the more rep the better. Hardwyre probably has a shitload of positive rep for making us laugh all the time.

Finally, the little plus or minus icons in the bottom right of the post, that's how.


Adding a friend, click on the icon below your avatar.

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this may sound stupid,and set me up for a lot of shit,but what is the repution mean on settings,and how do you get one?also i want to put add a freind on my settings blink.gifthanks




I am pretty sure you can only add friends on Ratsun.

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