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worst datsun shill bidding i've seen

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yeah sometimes its hard to tell but this one sure smells fishy to me. i think the seller only has 1 feedback in the last year. i'll be damned if i ever sell a car to someone on ebay with no feedbacks or even let them bid. the person that bought my 620 last year never picked it up. he had 0 feedbacks.


we'll see how many bids are retracted in the next day. :D

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That seems somewhat unfair. What about people that have NEVER used ebay, but find a car they must have, and are fully willing to and capable of paying for. Or for that matter someone who has never used it to sell anything, but want to use it for an important sale?


I suppose only avid ebayers should be allowed to buy or sell?

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you start out by buying little shit and selling little shit. nobody wants to buy something expensive from a newbie or sell something to a newbie. you should know that. c'mon now kiz.

besides they end up getting fewer bids and less money just for that reason. and trust me i've seen some crazy shit for sale on ebay as we all have.

there are too many scams on there to be fooling around. some poor fools have one bad experiance and call it quits or make their pollicies 3 fucking pages long about not bidding with a one line discription to go with it.


you want unfair, i'm just pissed at you for having sooo many damn posts.:fu::fu::D

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Seems dumb to expect someone to do a bunch of little buying and selling just to build up a reputation if the goal is really to sell (or buy) one item.


I DO understand the buyer rating stuff, but on things like collectible cars, not everyone is going to be regular 'bayers.


as for having lots of posts...nothing better to do at 3:30 in the morning

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