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crack head stole my battery

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so I live in front of a school and there is no parking when I get home today, I go around the corner to park my baby (79 620) about three hours later I go out to move it to where I can see it, when low and behold I notice that my drivers side lock is not on the normal vertical position, I then notice that my glove box is open, I get in the truck and try to start it, no go... I pull the hood release to find out that someone had already done that, reality hits, fuck** crack heads stole my battery!!! sure enough when I open my hood the battery is gone, thamnd bastards!! :angry:


I go home get a spare battery to move my truck, pulled the rotor and installed the club borrowed form my mom, hopefully they dont come back for more, I doubt it since it clearly looked like a crack head move, get in look in ash tray look for stereo face and if all alse fails there is at least five bucks worth for the battery.

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I don't think pulling the rotor and using the Club is going to keep your battery safe from sticky-fingered junkies. Still not a bad thought, though.. ;)



I did that in case someone else tries to take the whole truck, it could have been a scouting mission to see how hard it is to get into my truck.


hey at least they did not even put a sccratch on it.

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that sucks, out here i think they can get 15. for a battery. Did they slim jim it or coat hanger it? One cool feature with my Land Rover is that it has a double lock on the alarm, meaning that if you double lock it disables the doors from being open from the inside or outside and the thieves would have to climb through a broken window.

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