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Tow yards do it just the way I lined out above in OR. Came straight from the horse's mouth. It's all about having that undeliverable registered letter and lien paperwork in order.

For Washington state law, that only works if the title is currently a Washington title. Out of state title transfers have different rules. A towing company, and no other organization, has unique privileges.

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one good thing about georgia is you don't need a title if it's older than 84. so send all your non registered dattos to me!


I think you are a little off.

25 years makes an 84 last year for emmision testing this year.

20 years for a title so did not need a title to to register my 84 this year.

and the salvage yard will take a 92 with just signing that you own the car. If newer wants a title to take it.


So if it is older than 87 a bill of sale is all you need in GA. so if datsun is supose to be on the title please send them to us cause we don't need no title.

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