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CAM Install


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I am thinking about trying a differnt cam in my LZ2.2, Just got a regrind from Delta Cams $55.00 and rockers reground for $3.00 bucks each. and wondering if any body has any tips.


I am planning on doing while its in the car.


Here is how I am planning on doing it.


1. Remove spark plugs

2. Revove all rocker arms

2. Put it on TDC Mark chain and sprocket with dot of paint.

3. Install block of wood

4. Remove cam bolt and cam gear

5. Remove thurst plate

6. Hope cam comes out without hitting radiator

7. Re-install cam straight up

8. Put cam gear back on and re-install chain

9. Perform rocker arm wipe pattern

10. Buttom back up and fire it up!


Let me know if I left anything out or if you have any other ideas.




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Hey Haiz,


I do have an assortment of Lash pads. I order a bunch when i was trying to get the ticking out of my engine. I thought I had a decent cam and the rockers are worn. So I want to replace it and the rockers but dont want to take the head off!


have you done them in the car?

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no I havent done a cam in the car. Cking the wipe pattern is going to take awhile cause you have the chain hooked up and to do eight rockers is going to be a painstaking procedure.

best to pull the head off.

Pm me your adress and Ill send my old full vid on how I did mine. But doing it in the car is not worth it in my opinion. If anybody else has done it chime in on this.


best to get the timming wedge also from CSK auto. .



But if you think you can do it!!!!!!!!!!then go for it.



measure that cam with a caliper then at 90degs. Whats the lobe lift?

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Yea, checking the wipe pattern is a PIA but doable alot of cranking the over engine with a racheting wrench.


I thought I could maybe do the wipe pattern by just putting the bolt in the cam with the chain still blocked.

I would just be turning the cam.


I dont want to take the head off and loose the 80.00 gasket and head bolts.

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I thought I could maybe do the wipe pattern by just putting the bolt in the cam with the chain still blocked.

I would just be turning the cam.




This would be too EZ. REMEMBER you have 2 pistons in the UP position. if the block is stationary

Your putting the rocker back in and pushing on a valve . or going to hit on #1 and #4 cause the piston is not moving in relationship with the cam.


You would have to pull the wood block out. set the pistons in the mid stroke in the block thus moving the chain. then do the valve lash. then set block to TDC again hoping the tensioner dont fall out.


I know your going to try to beat the system!!!!!!!good luck.

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Thanks for the response. I thought it would be to easy to just rotate the cam. I will put the cam in and reistall cam gear and chain. Then install one rocker at a time adjust vavle lash crank over engine and check wipe pattern. Then move onto the next one.


Exciting friday night ha!

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I am concerned about that, I have .475 lift cam but no low end torque, going to try .440lift with 260duration. According to the bible this should be a good street cam.


The engine runs good now but the clicking and #3 cam bearing is worn I can see light between the tower and cam journal.

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OK makes more since now.


The 475 ia a good cam spec. As a cheap(and faster way) way to do this I would advance the cam sprocket to the next higher Number.If your on #1 try #2 or move to #3. I got the timming chain tool and finally learned how to do this recently. that tool really goes down far enough to push that tensioner in. and there only 5$ apc. * for shipping to I got 8 orf 9 of them to give away.

Moving the sprocket up or advance is supposed to bring the power band down lower.(i cant tell myself)


also I remeber you said you got the new mikuni motocycle carbs. I would have got the smaller ones just for the drivability. I think you got the 45s. The smaller was the 42. I think this would have helped also.


Im not a expert on this But I think by putting a smaller cam in there its going to be more overcarbed or you might have to rejet those carbs also.



By the time you read this it might be too late and you pulled out the cam already.



If you see a gap in # 3 journal Im thinking pulling the head off anyways and replace that cam tower.


either way this is going to be work so might as well do it the right way.

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I got it pulled and reinstalled last night. Had to loosen motor mounts and jack up engine then,loosen radiator to get the cam out. Put new cam in and tighten everything back up and then did the wipe patterns. She fired right up.


Took it out today and has a little more grunt!


Hainz I already had tryed advancing the cam tried alot of differnt positions and number 2 hole works the best, I put the new cam on number 2.


I agree the 42's probably would give a little better power, I would really like two try 4 of them would be the ultimate. I've been looking for a mani but they all been to exspensive so far.


Oh yea the clicking is still there!

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Yeah I for got to say also advance the timming.


This is a half ass here, How about get soME speed tape and cover some of the air cleaner to maybe get more vacuum/AIR VOL throw those carbs??????????



aRE YOU SURE ITS REALLY BETTER?????????? Or cause you did all this work you think its better.


I persoanlly think a 475 would be good street cam for that motor. Other wise a 440 minus the lash is really just a L20b cam or very close to it.

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