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may have a lead on a nice 320 exciting find ( update)

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i dont know the older trucks very well. i spotted this little guy yesterday, it looks real real good, i will try to get a better look when i go through that town latter today.


i need ideas and opinions on what it is and what would it be worth ti offer for it.






i will do my best to get a interior shot and some closer pics of the body.

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Heres my 2 cents worth....But first...when is the last time you saw gas for that price? :blink: Now....back to the 320...the truck looks really clean. It appears to have been redone and until not too long ago kept up for the most part. Something clearly changed and so it now sits outside with a huge roll of drain pipe in the back....can't be a real priority for the owner at this point right? But you need to NOT expect this guy to give it to you. The plate even seems fairly modern.


I would not insult this guy with a lowball offer.....start out with some conversation and shoot the breeze with him....ask lots of thoughtful questions...where did he get it? What can he tell you about it? How old is it? Did he restore it? You know....shoot the crap :D


Ask IF he would be willing to sell it to you after you chat for a while...since you drive a Datsun right? :rolleyes:


Hope it works out for you man....cool looking truck. :cool:

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I would not insult this guy with a lowball offer.....start out with some conversation and shoot the breeze with him....ask lots of thoughtful questions...where did he get it? What can he tell you about it? How old is it? Did he restore it? You know....shoot the crap :D

exactly! thats when you lowball :fu: (cuz you know a little more than before ;) )

i dont want to insult you, but would you take $XXX?


if you dont ask, youll never know!!!



ive offered 1/2 of MY budget, and gotten it! :D

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i have an uncle that lives in the town where the truck is, he has been there almost his whole life. He deals in old cars and tradeing cars, kind of a junk trader.


here is an email my mother sent me after he went to check on the truck when some one was there.



I talked with your Uncle Davey. He knew precisely the vehicle I was talking about. He said It sold a few days ago for $100. He knows the lady that owns it and said he'd talk to her. I said $100 is ridiculous and we'd go more than that. Davey will be on it cause I told him we'd pay a finder's fee. The pick up has been owned by a little old lady. It was in sheltered storage for years. The little truck you mentioned on N. Main & Fort Rd.

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