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Wierd noise while trying to fire up


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Well this is going to be a wierd question but is there any bolts on the starter or trans that could be too long othat could rub on the flywheel or something? Or could the starter be in too tight or something? When I crank the car before it finally fires it just sounds like its coughing and there is resistance. It drains the battery quick if it doesnt start quickly. After it fires it seem to run pretty good without resistance. I havent had a L motor before so I dont know what to expect. Also, the exhaust is cut just below my feet underneath so???? I dunno I just dont wanna mess anything up it doesnt sound free when cranking.......:confused: Is there adjustment in the starter?

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Whats a bad starter sound like, its not a grinding noise its just wierd noise always....not a smooth cranking but a erun erun erun noise then it fires up maybe a weak battery....shouldnt be its a yellow top optima

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doesn't matter what type of battery it is... if its bad its bad. Sounds like a bad battery. Besides optima's are known for being defective... and if they sit too long unused they shit the bed and won't take a charge.



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Well this is going to be a wierd question but is there any bolts on the starter or trans that could be too long othat could rub on the flywheel or something? Or could the starter be in too tight or something? When I crank the car before it finally fires it just sounds like its coughing and there is resistance. It drains the battery quick if it doesnt start quickly. After it fires it seem to run pretty good without resistance. I havent had a L motor before so I dont know what to expect. Also, the exhaust is cut just below my feet underneath so???? I dunno I just dont wanna mess anything up it doesnt sound free when cranking.......:confused: Is there adjustment in the starter?


The through bolts can't hit the flywheel no matter how long.

There is no adjustment for the starter.


First be sure the starter is bolted in securely.


There should be a thin metal spacer sandwiched between the engine block and the transmission. Easily seen specially if the starter is removed. If the flywheel has been off and this spacer not put back on when assembled, the starter will be mounted too close to the flywheel teeth.


Remove the two battery terminals and clean them. Don't put back on yet.


Check that the positive terminal from the battery is clean and tight on the starter terminal.


Check that the negative cable is clean and tight where it's bolted to the head.


Now connect the battery cables to the battery and tighten. Be sure the battery is charged and try to start.


If still not working connect jumper cables from another car to your battery terminals... if that fixes it then either your battery is not charged or not capable of taking a charge.


If STILL not working then maybe the starter is no good.


These checks are easy and cost nothing to do and should prevent you replacing something not needed.

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The through bolts can't hit the flywheel no matter how long.

There is no adjustment for the starter.


First be sure the starter is bolted in securely.


There should be a thin metal spacer sandwiched between the engine block and the transmission. Easily seen specially if the starter is removed. If the flywheel has been off and this spacer not put back on when assembled, the starter will be mounted too close to the flywheel teeth.


Remove the two battery terminals and clean them. Don't put back on yet.


Check that the positive terminal from the battery is clean and tight on the starter terminal.


Check that the negative cable is clean and tight where it's bolted to the head.


Now connect the battery cables to the battery and tighten. Be sure the battery is charged and try to start.


If still not working connect jumper cables from another car to your battery terminals... if that fixes it then either your battery is not charged or not capable of taking a charge.


If STILL not working then maybe the starter is no good.


These checks are easy and cost nothing to do and should prevent you replacing something not needed.



When is the book gonna be published?:D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I bet it is definitly a fucked up battery or alternator , test alt volts & amps

& if you found something bad then you have just saved another battery from being fucked by bad alt . Faulty battery will show symptom like you have & even acceptable cranking speed can't start engine , maybe faulty and weak enough to not make sparks in the plugs lol .

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