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Everything posted by mytoy521

  1. (RAYRAY/ZIZZLE/KELOWG/HUNDAKARLOZ#1/MONE) Why you guys so quiet? Chime in.
  2. yes Alex takes some bitchn pics, but he needs your birdy nice n shiny to model for him:)
  3. It's never been offical for us DATSLOCOS, till today when our Loco Leader made it official. Looking forward big time, for this adventure.
  4. "SAS"I'm going balls deep, I will not miss this run, come on peeps let's do this. Since its an official " DATSLOCO'S RUN" it's mandatory for all of our true hard core members to join in. Let's prep our toys and get them ready for this epic run, that will be another one for each and every one to "CHECK" of your "BUCKET LIST". Hermano, I will be more than happy to ride with your pack. This run will truly test my ride. Can't wait let's do this.
  5. I like the sound of that hermano, now you got my "UNDIVIDED ATTENTION" and support
  6. That's it? About 40sh datsuns? = "CANBY" Huh, am I not seeing the "WAOWW"factor? Other than driving one of my datsuns for 7SH hrs to get there? If our leader is down I'm on as well. We've done fun runs with triple the datsuns,just saying. Why don't we put all of energy and brain's and thoughts on one big pot and show how "CANBY", "CAN BE" but here in Cali. Let's make them wanna come to "DATSLOCO'S SHOWS", there's already a few cats that drive all the way from "S.F.V" wich by the way my respects to that crew/ nice clean datsuns. We know we are the deepest and looked up to group in Northern Cali, right? I know next year's event is looking very promising, better, nicer location than our previous metting spot. I may be out of pocket for saying all this, don't mean to start any bad feelings with any one. "DATSLOCO'S THAT'S HOW WE RIDE!"
  7. I say we roll in "DEEEEPP" and throw up our "DATSLOCO'S CLUB" banner and represent "CALI" :),:any other ideas? NOTE: I don't have anything that's car show quality, but I probably could:)
  8. Maybe just maybe I don't have the itch for this run becouse is not an official"DATSLOCO'S FUN RUN?" Maybe I'm just typing out loud?:/, maybe I'm just "HATTN?" Becouse I can't go? Help me figure it out peeps:(, maybe this half of "WINE COOLER" gotts me drunk already?
  9. That's just Tha way it is, sometimes you can sometimes you can't. And I'm not the one askn for fun runs, :(
  10. It sounds like fun, I will try everything in my power to join you guys.
  11. we do it "DATSLOCO'S STYLE THE ONLY AND BEST STYLE" wait til the next one, it's going to be "OFF THE HINDGES";);). It will be "THE" event and gathering of the year of the 2015. Just wait n see:):)
  12. who needs a garage? I don't, I've turned over some nice datsuns, in that same area. Even a very special project coming "SSSOON";);)
  13. EastBay521, although we will never out# our hard core "DIME COMPADRES", just being noticed and being seen as a threat and the fear and look of relief when they out# us, just that look on their eyes is priceless. I happen to be a very very lucky guy to be able to walk on both sides of the fence.
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