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Everything posted by dat521gatherer

  1. 2 521's down 1 ta go. do all 3 have papers and run? did you say that was a extra running l16 in the bed. i may be interested. is that a ford emblem i'm lookin at. hmm i like ford but only from the 60's and 70's. my dream car is a 1970 ford torino gt fastback. i had one once and got rid of it like a dumbass. young and dumb!!!!
  2. do you still got that l16 for free?? hard keepin up with these free posts. instead of a 3 story car garage maybe what you need is one of those auto transporters to bring everything to gg.:D
  3. have i seen this one? where are you hiding all these at? are the doors any good? my 77 620 will be needing everything but the kitchen sink. i need to come out soon. next weekend soon.
  4. those are great pics of the outside now howa bout the interior and engine compartment? what is the plan for this one? i've noticed also the brakes like to lock up after awhile. i've freed up 4 drums in the last couple months. 2 on my 70 521 and 2 last week on my newly aquired 620. it's kinda hard pushing a truck around with a skidding tire. 2 humans barley works.
  5. not yet, the locking arm looks different on this one but i'm sure it will still work. ted can you confirm my locking arm is different? do you have another complete matching lock set now? you must have gotten those other trucks?
  6. you've heard of mor's law where information or technology doubles every 2 years? you guys have hit what i like to call the datsun singularity.:D:D
  7. i do i do university place is where northwest sports cards used to be, or actually they moved to a shed next door to haps west auto wrecking, still u.p. how does haps stay in business anyway? oh yeah they charged me $60 for a used alternator with a bad bearing:mad: , thats how.
  8. yes jeff great idea if i may say so myself. may i call you jeff? i still have that damn nissalco box kickin it if your interested. i'm thinkin cheap $20 or if you want to trade for something. i still want to know if one was made for a 521?
  9. almost, sea-mail $ 11 weeks!! other option was air-mail $10 12 days. i can wait i guess. hmm big difference. now i wish i had thrown that extra $6 duckets. i hope it doesn't fall off the boat.
  10. i think $4 to ship from singapore was exellext.
  11. sweet! i am picking up this 620 today so i may not see ya for a couple weeks. i may come out to browse if you dont mind sometime soon.
  12. yup yup great counting . dont tell anyone but my other one has matching door locks and ignition switch. all the same key. but i think other people can have there's re-keyed if they dont match. maybe not. the question is do you re-key the doors and ignition to the glove box or the other way around. ted did you have matching door locks and ignition on yours?
  13. i actually drove around for a couple months with this seat, with a couple thin blankets covering it mind you. i've had a couple people tell me they have seen worse. is that possible? i think to be fair the seat must have some material left on it thought, not just all bare springs. a few weeks back i upgraded to the plain vinyl one. it has 2 minor tears i will try to repair and i bought some vinyl spray to brighten it up. yeah yeah i know nobody likes bench seats. even the ones in the yard aren't that bad.
  14. oops please relocate this to the parts page if need be.
  15. i tried this on nwde and got no answears and now have major trouble searching on that site. first and fore most i will give$20 to the first person to caugh up a red hazard knob. also looking for a locking gas door, tailgate chains, key style antenna also from a roadster, steering wheel horn half ring 520?, chrome door inner pull handles, jack tool bag, jack hand spinner tool,gas cap also from a 510, noguchi green radio light bulb, and i wont bother to ask about the super hard to find clock or radio delete plate or fog lights. some pics to help. yes i'm the nit picking purest. was there supposed to be a strap to hold down the tool bag behind the seat? has anyone even ever seen the optional fog lights or 30 amp fuse?
  16. i won it on ebay for a price i thought was cheap. $23.50 and $4 to ship. 71-521 i thought you would have bid higher. you must have one already? or many. is this really all that it's worth or is it cause there was no 521 in the title? maybe it was that the forum wasn't alerted. now if i can just get the gas door lock, the factory service manual says there was a locking cap? owners manual shows a lock on the gas door. owners manual does not show the glove box lock it only mentions it. a pic of the face would have been nice though. raise your hand if you have one of these.
  17. oh goody more money to spend on ted. i better start saving my pennies. let me know when you get the 521's and i'll be waiting outside your gate. i may pick up a 620 tomarrow 76 shortbed. that will make 4 d's for me. who said straight d's was bad? i think a 3 story parking garage is in order for you. does the 620 clock look like the 521 clock? are you keeping the clock?? do tell.
  18. no hard feelings at all, well maybe for the fist hour. there are many datsuns in the sea. actually i'm proud you want to keep one for once. i would just hate to see it trashed like some of the other rigs you've shown me. but if i know you i'd say you'll put a engine and eventually sell it later down the road. for much more ofcoarse. maybe you wont. i just about shit when i saw those tailgate chains w/sleeves and no rust!! and those door sills/scuff plates are the nicest i've ever seen. are you going to use that l16 you have? i was going to tell you to give back my wd-40 i sprayed on the hood hinge. ha ha:D my poor attempt at humor. i knew i should have paid off kieth to keep his mouth shut. pesky friends and peer pressure. did i hear you say you've parted out nicer ones? i cant wait to see those other ones you have on the way. good luck with that and if you need a hand let me know. your not as far out there in the woods as you think.
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