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ArchetypeDatsun last won the day on March 9 2012

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About ArchetypeDatsun

  • Birthday 05/18/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Medford, Oregon
  • Cars
    72 521, 74 610 sedan, 79 810 Wagon, 82 Maxima Turbo, 87 Nissan Van
  • Interests
    Datsuns and nothing but Datsuns!!!

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. What do you guys use for picture hosting that works for phones and tablets? Wish I had a computer but don't at the moment.

    1. Draker


      postimg works.. but more for one off pictures I think.

    2. opalbeetle
    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I've been using imgur but it's best if you use the browser on your phone so you can use the desktop setup. The app blows.

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