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Posts posted by bananahamuck

  1. 5 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

    And these are the ones that believe the Hatiens are going to eat all of their cats and dogs? This has become insanity on both sides. How can anyone take Trump seriously after this last performance? You believe the Hatiens are after your pets? Dudes off in Bidenville. I am somehow hoping he gets dumped and We have an actual sane person on the ticket in Nov. And no I don't belive the asylum seekers or whatever you want to call them belong in the country and certainly shouldn't be receiving our tax money for support.



    i believe there are no sane people in DC .. 

     If they would have gotten Ramaswamy ( had to google that )  in there,  this really would have been a no brainer.. Kid is a nut-bag , but he would have left her standing there with her chonies around her ankles wondering what the hell just drove over her. 

     Dude is quick ,, smart,, and above all mean





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  2. Here’s the picture 

    it’s  the only one I got 


    friend of a friend so I didn’t speak with his myself .. he’s very sure it came out of a Datsun.. By his collection I would tend to believe him but ..  bellhousing looks weird to me 




    ,,what it is and what it might fit ?? 

    I should add,, he says it’s a 5 speed but I can’t confirm that either. 





  3. 5 hours ago, Lachlan said:

    A two door sedan? Be still my beating heart.


    Coupes have the classic shape but this is the one I’d take home. All the best with it.

    hate to say , but bought for interior and windows assuming I am stripping for parts stash .
      Might give it a go as a hoopty if engine runs  enough to invest the $200. In brakes to drive around . 

    I’m not positive but I don’t think USA even got the 4 door sedan ?

  4. i have to return the steering wheel and license plates for his other Datsuns. 



    carbs move easily with pedal , but most likely getting rid of them cuz i hate tuning them if worn out. 

























  5. So the other night Nate Givera-ah-ah ( not sure if exact spelling, haha) sent me a text about a 1200 sedan he was tired of parting.. At the price he sent, I thought he was joking and just venting.. so I kinda ignored .  Couple days later he posted on Facebook for twice as much , so I told him I would be up that day.. it has tach , and pretty decent interior . Huge front sway bar and a Datsun performance rear sway bar ( he had documentation to prove) I think it might have NISMO head but didn’t take valve cover off ..


    other than that it’s a total pile of shit 


    This is from yesterday up in Renton hills . I’ll post a couple more later 





  6. i can dig it , 



    i'm not saying half ass it , i'm just saying don't let not knowing how to do something stop you .. I have found,, if rockauto sells you one,, they would most assuredly sell you another if you fuck the first one up.. haha


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  7. @Jskinny  You are totally overthinking this carrier bearing replacement .. 

       Replacing a carrier bearing isn't that hard, and can be accomplished with simple had tools , in a few hours if you milk the job . Just keep things in order as they come off, and you're golden.






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