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Posts posted by bananahamuck

  1. i can dig it , 



    i'm not saying half ass it , i'm just saying don't let not knowing how to do something stop you .. I have found,, if rockauto sells you one,, they would most assuredly sell you another if you fuck the first one up.. haha


    • Like 2
  2. @Jskinny  You are totally overthinking this carrier bearing replacement .. 

       Replacing a carrier bearing isn't that hard, and can be accomplished with simple had tools , in a few hours if you milk the job . Just keep things in order as they come off, and you're golden.






    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, RetroRocket said:

    I may have been out to your place to buy some windows for my Mobile Traveler and a front sway bar for my Dodge chassis. It would have been decades ago.

    I am interested but leaving town soon on a mission


    nah,, if you bought stuff in past , I can say with much confidence it  wasn’t me selling it.  Haha  We have in fact been here 34-35 years though 


    i am mostly an accumulator , not seller..

      It’s just the county changed rules , increasing size of non building permit shed . So i’m  getting rid of stuff , to make room before they change it back . 


    No worries ,, my crap will most likely be here when you get back 



  4. On 8/30/2024 at 11:11 PM, skyblue said:

    Damn! Bummer about the branch damage. But can’t go wrong with free. lol. 



     crazy thing is owner told me/us about and introduced us too , her friends  field of Datsuns south of here ( mostly 620 trucks) out by the Indian reservation and that place is fucking my shit up lately.

     Everything is titled so just taking a few parts off the hauling to scrapyard for her





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  5. 30 minutes ago, RetroRocket said:

    I hesitated to confront because I don't want to insult a valid member/ad response. But my gut meter has alerted me to several of these and I was right about the fraud.


    Meanwhile, I think I'll pull my wtb ad. One less stressor I don't need.



    I don't usually do the classifieds ,,  What are you looking for ??

      I was in process of finally down sizing to erect a new shed before i get to old to even use the damn thing.. Then,, as it always works, i came into a ton of parts lately from a field south of here out in Rochester WA ,, mostly 720 KC and 620s  but other shit as well . 


    Or link to ad if not deleted 


    i'm out south of Tumwater





  6. 20 minutes ago, Duncan said:


    Despite all the dirt, it looks like it could have some potential.  



    I’m being artistic with the picture angles . 😆 

    Large tree branch fell on cowl , it’s pretty bent . 


    it was pretty decent car even 10 years ago , but not so much any more. 

    But it was free 




  7. 15 hours ago, skyblue said:


    Naner what’s the plan for this one?!

    probably take a couple parts off for a youngster out East of here then sell it mostly as a whole . Cheap since it doesn’t have much I can use to fix my 2door 

    car was about 2 blocks from my house , since forever , at least over 28 years because me and brother talked to him when Donovan was still in bucket . I asked a few times after that , but it was a family heirloom to owner so I let it go..

       Paul ,, the owner passed away last year and widow was just happy someone would want it. 


      Apparently it was car her and late husband went in their first date in . 




    • Like 4
  8. Buried in the lawyer speak documents known as RCWs  Thurston county has this written


    "Enthusiast vehicle in the current state of restoration". 

    but no actual description of what that means. 

    We have Smokey Yunick-ed the shit outta that,


    We went through this in 2003 , we did end up getting rid of over a hundred cars that didn't fall under that cryptic sentence 


    That and about 150 yards of gravel 


  9. Very short notice but neighbor was moving trees and didn't know if he could make it,,  but since Dildo-man can roll,  i have someone to irritate and/or be irritated by.  


    kinda out of the way for most , but it's put on by some cool characters out of Aberdeen. 

    We are showing up closer to 10-10:30



    It's up on hill about a mile or so from the Walmart .


    Proceeds all go to charity 





    • Like 2
  10. It shows you as in California.. Are you going north-south ? Not sure if they haul all the way down there BUT

    I have heard very good things about WTF ( watch this freight) trucking out of Tumwater Washington 










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  11. On 8/10/2024 at 5:09 AM, ]2eDeYe said:

    I suppose he needs it then 🙂

    Will it not fit a 310 hatch? 

    i don’t know if he actually “needed it” he said he wanted it 


    and you can ask him but I’m pretty sure it don’t fit . 

    there’s a dude selling his late father’s windshield stash . 


    he wants to send list as PDF but my IT son said that’s not safe and to have him send screenshots,  and he did . 

      Most of windshields are oddball 50-60s cars 


    asked him about pricing but he hasn’t gotten back to me 


    I’ll send you the screenshots , he sent , and his ad when I’m on PC 







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