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    1984 Nissan/Datsun 720 4x4 KC
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  1. Welp, got the head gasket off and my suspicions were correct; it was blown between 2 & 3. After cleaning up surface of the block I noticed what looks like a crack, albeit only on the surface. I hit it with the brass wire wheel hoping it was part of the gasket still stuck on there but this was as clean as I could get it. It is raised slightly and Im thinking about sanding it down a little and going from there. Another thing I noticed is the cylinders that come up to that spot have seemingly been losing mass as well. Sorry its hard to get good pics under 4mb. I think the correct thing to do here would be to have the surface machined and the cylinder walls overbored probably but Im on a budget and time crunch at the moment. One day. The head is in decent condition, slightly warped. Im going to sand it down on some glass and sandpaper. The poor mans machining lol. Yall have any pro tips here? I dont really have a choice but to throw on a new gasket and run it for a couple months.
  2. Thanks for the reassurance. I really didnt want to take the timing cover and all that off if the wedge came loose because my crank pulley nut might as well be welded on with how difficult it was to loosen as I was trying to change the front seal when I first got her. Never did get it off.
  3. Need to change the head gasket in my z24. The wedge thats been linked on here before seems to not be sold anymore. Ive heard of using a garden hose or wooden wedges. Bad idea? Any other ideas? Wedge template? This is the only one I can find, but it doesnt look like it will reach the tensioner, which Im assuming is the important part: https://www.amazon.com/Alltrade-648832-Nissan-Timing-Holding/dp/B0002Q8TVO/ref=dp_prsubs_sccl_1/136-9760836-5998544?pd_rd_w=2q5SN&content-id=amzn1.sym.3b3eed55-a3f5-4b73-9642-3affe7414e0b&pf_rd_p=3b3eed55-a3f5-4b73-9642-3affe7414e0b&pf_rd_r=1EEBACS4ZP8B7MA80P7J&pd_rd_wg=Jlw2f&pd_rd_r=0eb31be8-fdb5-4d12-9b36-4a696f6fbb55&pd_rd_i=B0002Q8TVO&psc=1 Id love to just pull the engine and tran and really do an overhaul on everything but I dont have the space for that unfortunetly so just doing the HG will have to do for now. Its blown between cylinder 2 and 3 but still runs better than ever since I got it a year ago, probably thanks to the Weber. Funny how that works.
  4. Have to put this one out here. If you've never listened to this while flooring it from 0 to 60mph in 17.4 seconds in your "new" datsun truck, are you really living?
  5. Catch that BBC? *Ahem*. Speaking of BBC, what happened to good old fashioned normal size porn? BBC is destroying america
  6. After the weber it idles fine between 0-5°. Each engine will be different for jetting even at the same altitude from what Ive gathered. I'm at sealevel and I had to up the stock 140s on primary and secondary. I have them at 150 and 155 now and it's much better than the 140s. I might have even tried larger but those were the largest in the kit from Pierce and I'm happy with the results. I also upped the idle jet from 60 to 65 to get my idle mixture between 1 3/4 turns and 2 1/4 turns out. Still need to dial it in a little more I think. The air corrector jets were stock 160 and 170 and I haven't messed with them. Maybe they could be lower, not sure. Still learning and experimenting. I'm just going off drivability and feel. You'll find a lot of old threads here on the subject. One thing that was a pain in the ass to figure out was the float level. You'll find about 4 different instructions for that. I don't know if it was just my float or something. You'll see lol. I don't even want to try to tell you what it should be because it might differ for you. Fairly certain I had no vacuum leaks when tuning as I didn't hook up any vacuum lines to start and carb cleaner checked everything. For now Im just so happy I'm taking a break from working on this truck for a bit. Ive fixed so many things, some little and some bigger and my list is almost all checked off. Feels good. https://www.piercemanifolds.com/Weber_Conversion_Kit_K646_p/k646.htm I think the jets are seperate for 60$. They come with a some nice little instructions/notes for float level, idle mixture, idle screw etc. Atleast mine did, the notes probably come in the whole kit too. Edit: You can use the cable linkage from the old carb. You'll also have to drill some new holes in the bracket and move it a bit lower to not hit the weber. I opted for flipping my fuel line to the other side as well just for ease of access and to add a gauge and extra filter. There's only two ways the fuel line can connect to the same spot, either normal or reversed. If you reverse it you'll want to put the fuel inlet on the weber on the opposite side.
  7. One is for blinkers and one is for hazards. See if they work with hazard switch?
  8. Found a square shaped O-ring in a pack of 25 for 10$. Who needs 25 tho lol. These might seat better on the distributor. How they'll stand up to heat.. who knows. They state up to 250° F, buna?-nitrile. Inner diameter of 3 3/4" should fit snug on there. https://www.amazon.com/240-Buna-N-Ring-Durometer-Square/dp/B0051XZJAW/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_maf_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.s2oI1u5EZ-ZupFXd5YAEMmq-tnQEWHpawAA0ZarqxH9GFDDqBHcCgf3kYP1Fbbr7d3gE4lq2bV_OR176HLGx6lCgs0cwE4jAyJJAdD62KghSaT4qKtt454XFmUTvGGaSX9RX7qM_etcQaANtO0XdglBBKqKs53PFHTDYryDALj1bCxvbppMhcj-nyGNI8wBxgCdCiaawoulHnFxeEe9AtQ.2UItJcNuqY_FgEbeepmByTkQDpgN5IEaU7PmU1cVYZA&dib_tag=se&keywords=o+ring+square+4+inch&qid=1709861952&sr=8-3
  9. Came across this modern band a couple years ago that I really enjoyed. Their style reminds me a lot of the Rolling Stones at times . They have some good songs, this is my favorite Other songs by them if you like the style: Now and then, NSA blues, Blind owl speaks, Aint gonna stop, 8am Blues, Makin It, Out in the country. Good cruisin music
  10. Ya hes been munchin on hydrated cat food and other little treats. I forgot we have a bug zapper that collects everything it zaps. That should be a buffet for him. I don't particularly trust pet food companies. With the shit these corps are willing to put in human food I can only imagine wtf is put in animal foods. I feel bad for pets, particularly dogs, that have to eat the same dry garbage day after day after day, ad nauseam. Not all pet owners are like that, but I assume the majority are. At least outdoor cats can hunt and get their freedom. I agree, people are low on my tier list for a lot of traits.
  11. Found a baby possum while fixing my brake lights. Our cats would surely have mauled him so I felt compelled to take him in. I don't believe in domesticating wild animals so I think I'll bring him somewhere a possum could live a good life. He's so young tho. This is tough.
  12. I just put my weber on and its running beautiful after rejetting. Feels so good to finally have some f'in power. I ordered from Redline, but if I could go back I would have went with Pierce Manifolds. You should probably grab a jet kit while you're at it. On the stock carb I had some vacuum leaks at the carb to intake gaskets. Someone had almost drilled the idle mixture plug out so I went ahead and finished drilling it out. I figured Id play with the idle mixture to try and make up for the vacuum leak until the weber got put on and it helped. Before the weber I had to advance my timing to about 15° for it to run best. After adjusting the mixture screw I could get it to 10°ish without misfiring and it definitely felt more drivable.
  13. When I first deleted the egr I pinched of the tube as best I could. The noise it made while leaking sounded like a valve ticking that was in sync with the exhaust pulses, but I knew it was the egr tube. Maybe youre hearing a sneaky exhaust leak somewhere on the exhaust manifold to head connection. Retorque and see if it helps? 12 then 15ft-lbs.
  14. Nice work. I was just thinking the exact same thing about the side lights after troubleshooting a brake light issue (bulb casing grounds were trash causing brake lights to shutoff with parking lights on) and wanted to do the same.
  15. You reminded me that I need one as well. Measuring the cap diameter I'd say a 4in outer diameter o-ring off of amazon might work, sound right? Maybe 1/8in width? They also have gaskets from what I'm seeing. I'm going to browse a bit and see what might be best.
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