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  • Location
    South Carolina
  • Cars
    1984 Datsun 720 4x4 King Cab Silver
  • Interests
    Biblical research

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  1. Dan.

    720 4x4 Engine Pull

    Can someone refer me to a post with in depth instructions for pulling the z24 engine. I gots an 84 KC 4x4. If no such post, maybe start one here?
  2. "Comments need to be approved by a moderator" (Mike). Welcome to democracy folks! Where peoples feelings are the government, and Law and Liberties are a thing of the past!
  3. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • FOR SALE
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    Here is an (approx.) 6.5ft Camper shell that fits on my Nissan 720 King Cab. It is very old and quite rare. Condition is rough but it is fully functional. One significant note is that it has significant mildew stains due to it sitting and the humidity. I killed all the mold but stains are still present. Even if you did not use the tent it is still a great truck Canopy. Great for somebody who enjoy restoration projects. Message me any questions you have. Price is $300.


  4. Frank, if you knew anything about WW2, you'd know the communist economy was called "international capitalism". Karl Marx started out in New York before going to Russia. People ought to break out of the mile high layer of shit causing no end of confusion. Countries are not built by everybody coming together and singing koombaya. They are built by races of people naturally growing on the land. No Land and People = No Race. No Race = No Identity. No Identity = Slavery.
  5. There is scant proof that the present government was democratically elected. Hitler was democratically elected. The only time I will trust the voting machines in this country is when they are 100% verifably fullproof, which could easily be made by somebody in grade school. Are you gonna tell me why all my comments are moderated? Did I hurt your democratic feelings?
  6. The real answer here is this: Nobody owns anything in the United Democracy of America. America has been turned into one big HOA, where the neighbours vote on whether you get to keep your house and car any longer. This is the critical thinking that Americans need to arrive at. If somebody has the power to control something, then it is by definition their property. Take your vaccines, abide by your city, county, town, municipal codes, and sit down like a good boy. Hopefully you can gather my condescending tone.
  7. Like already said, Public means I can do whatever I want so long as I do not injure other people. A democracy is a government of peoples feelings, like Starbucks. It may seem like a public place, but break the Starbucks rules and you'll be outta there faster than your ding dong in an ant hill. And you're confusing my point of how a democracy(noun) is a self-appointed government (tyranny).
  8. DEMOCRACY(verb): the act of voting for elected government. DEMOCRACY(noun): self-appointed government power. Word Origin: (Greek) Demos: People Kratos: Power REPUBLIC(noun): a public government, common government Word Origin: (Latin) Res: Affair, Matter, Pertaining to Publicus: common, people, general
  9. Okay figured out the quote thing great. My point is that nobody even knows what government is anymore. The Civil War was not about slavery, it was about the financial system. Would you rather have physical slaves or financial banking slaves? Today everyone is a financial slave, just take this online forumn as example. Nobody has any rights, but we all have the privilege to use the forumn, so long as we do not upset the forumn masters. That is the definition of democracy. The illusion of freedom.
  10. Hello Mike. Would you mind telling me how I reply to a specific message in a thread pal?
  11. I tend to hold the more cynical position. They are all sellouts and the only way to realize how to repair America is to study how the country was operating before the Civil War. If the country was stable, then we'd have a stable economy, and WA DC would be so limited in power, you'd hardly ever hear about those clowns.
  12. Ahoy ye scurvy road pirates! Here be me 84 King Cab gettin' er ready for sail! If'n ye be interested in the camper, it be $300 dubloons.
  13. This thread started about Nascar and the Confederate history, and by golly I'll see it stays on this topic! Hoorah! 4th of July this year I posted the Bonnie Blue flag on my house and flew it since last month. Living in South Carolina that flag has more history and significance than practically any. Practically every war since the Civil War in America has been about banks and financial system. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
  14. Dan.

    720 4x4 Loud Screeching

    Hello. I left the building but I am back two years later, oops. It ended up being the darn belt had some oil on it due to power steering pump leaking. Replaced belt and rebuilt power steering pump and she turns like a dream! I contacted Weber to check price on the Carb conversion, I will probably do a Carb upgrade sometime in near future.
  15. Greeting, I have a 1984 720 4x4, it has developed a very loud screech and I am having difficulty locating it. The screech occurs when raising the RPMS and then dropping the peddle rapidly, or when at about 2nd to 3rd gear under load. It is a full time screech when it is occurring. I have not replaced either of the two belts because they were done less than 4000 miles ago. My big question is, can the timing chain make such a screech? The sound is like an old pencil sharpener that needs to be lubed up, but ofcourse extremely louder. I sprayed WD40 on both belts and it did not mitigate the sound. I also believe the sound is coming from the lower front of the engine. I mainly ask if this is possible for the timing chain to make such a screech? Much thanks for any support on the matter. Dan.
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