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Everything posted by Stupid_fast

  1. Found the problem with the passenger side lock, It was not turning enough to unlock. So I did a ratsun mod. Also I found out the driver side lock is to a different car, thats why it does not work. Its a different code/ key. So i'll probably just get new solex locks. Do they fit to the hatch also?
  2. Isnt the point of a rear spoiler for extra downforce? So if you are not having any rear traction issues I really don't see the point of having one.
  3. Can anyone give me an idea of the cost to get a new exhaust system, or maybe just get this one welded back together?
  4. I've cleaned/greased them with no luck. I'll try taking apart the driver side one and see if I can get it working. I may try these, different seller though. I think its a bad idea to have only keyless, especially since the hatch lock feels like its going bad. This might be the problem also, I had it out before and thought I put it back correctly. I'll see if adjustment works.
  5. I think this is the right place for this, if not mods can move it. A few days ago, when I went out to work on my 510 I found that the passanger door will no longer unlock, and the driver side lock was already screwed also. The only way I can get into my car, is through the very worn out hatch lock. So, does anyone here know of a good cheap source for good locks for my wagon? OE or not, and also possibly a matching hatch lock? I've searched the forum and found nothing, ebay only found the passanger/driver locks. Thanks for any info.
  6. I don't seem to have a cutoff wheel... And I'm completely sure there are no clips holding it.
  7. I originally went and spent $30 on a puller, only to find it didn't fit on the bearing(bumping the gear). So basically just lots and lots of force? Whatever, I'm going to try to find a better puller online.
  8. Well, if there is any way to do it myself then I will, since i'de like the experience of having overhauled a transmission. The puller is bending before the bearing moves.
  9. I'm trying to overhaul my transmission, and the front countershaft bearing is very, very stuck on. It says in the manual to use a two-legged puller to remove it, which I'm trying but its bending before the bearing moves. I searched the forum and didnt really find any information. Does anyone have any tips or tricks on how to remove it? I tried heating it with a heat gun, but nothing happened. Maybe I have to leave it longer? Was also recommended to spray lots and lots of WD-40 on it, have not tried yet. Thanks...
  10. Got any suggestions for removing the paint on the fender and hood? Got quite filthy sitting around for so long... It got dark before I got to the other wheel, but the calipers are in fine condition. very little or no rust, just needs new pads.
  11. NOOO he is breaking the hood stand!
  12. If they crush those running pair of datsun's I think every 510 fan will be very, very angry.
  13. Ready to fix the brakes, will look nicer when I get the bumpers back on...
  14. Why would they not use the old shool skyline GTR instead of a 510 if they where going to change to an R35?
  15. I cannot say anything different for my 510. :P
  16. THEY HAVE TWO OF THE THINGS. http://www.comicsnewsi.com/article.php?sid=13905
  17. Any tips on removing the front countershaft bearing? It says to use a two-legged puller which i'm using but its bending before the bearing moves at all. Was going to try heating it, maybe that will work. Also, my floor jack is too tall to fit under the differential...Should I just use the spare tire jack?
  18. Oh hell yes say goodbye to my car budget. :( Oh also, in the first movie a little ways through bumblebee transformed into the new 2010 prototype camaro... Is it possible that nissan has a 510-based concept? Just a thought, dont quote me on this.
  19. If this is true, then 510's will be come increasingly popular. Hopefully the market wont be insanely overpriced after this, though. And this movie will be epic, not matter how bad the storyline. edit, Oh so thats why there are so many damned riced out civics.
  20. OK, Its an L20b with a single weber so its probably not a big deal. The exhaust system I think its a 2.5 or 3 inch one that was put on by the previous owner, I have no idea if its got a cat or not. And the manifold is not rusty, just the piping. Thanks for the info.
  21. He was talking to me. :P I had a bit of an indecisive(sp?) moment if I was going to get a 225mm or a 200mm clutch/FW. Decided on the 200mm, but I dont have the $$ to get the stuff for another week. :(
  22. this. Is there anything I should be worried about while putting my 510 together? Does this mean I cannot use my old rusty exhaust system?! Pre 73 are still smog exempt yeah? As long as it has a catalytic converter?
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