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Everything posted by ruckycharms

  1. It is emportante because nobady here can see attacked photo. Please make attacked photo to your post then somebady will see what wheel staring you are look kang for.
  2. Okay gents, we are doing this event rain or shine. The plan is to meet at Mile Square park and chill for a bit and then cruise to have lunch at a local hotspot. This time around we will NOT BE BBQing! Please take note of this if you plan to show up. We will chill at Mile Square and talk shop until we feel most everyone has arrived, then cruise slowly to our pre determined grub spot. Anyone have any questions about this weekend, please direct them to me or Radim. Thank you, and I hope to see many Dattos ! my email for any inquiries- devilrat1969@gmail.com
  3. Guys, there are of course lots of things that could be improved at JCCS. But try to understand that despite how " big " JCCS may seem, the bottom line is that they probably don't make very much money on attendance/registration fees and from what I can tell, it's a pretty " grass roots " movement. You see the people working at JCCS are almost always volunteers/friends of Terry and Koji. Who are two of the nicest people that I have met in the community. This past June I participated in Nissan Jam with (them) and it was all voluntary. Their goal is to raise awareness about classic Japanese cars and to bring people together, and I think they're doing a great job. Bentaxlebob, if you feel this strongly about your views, maybe a well written email to Koji might be your next move. I don't think either one of them is one Ratsun, and you do have some valid points that should be heard. Just maybe not the way you are conveying them... ? Just my two pennies..
  4. I had a great time, but truthfully I get super hyped for the line up and caravan that precedes the actual show. The show itself is pretty much same as it always has been. Pretty cool that they added bikes. I remember in 2006 I won second place for " Best Datsun Other " catagory. The fella that won first place had a 411 Bluebird, which obviously bears no resemblance to a 610 whatsoever. I have stopped butting my head against the wall about it. Now I go to be with my friends and to listen to Ray insult me. It wouldn't be JCCS without YOU MAN!! and remember guys mrbigtanker said it best: " Its not a competion!! " :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  5. Nicest dude ever with cool handle to boot. I hope you made it back safely man. And I hope you loved Long Beach as much as I do...
  6. Will!!! You killing me man. You were supposed to line up in front of Home Depot so that everyone could fall in line. Not yer fault though. We didn't organize better. We will nail that shit next year!
  7. ruckycharms


    Small cocks definitely exist, ask Mrbigtanker..
  8. Your truck will win a beauty pageant next to this beast of an abortion...
  9. http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/cto/4037290366.html I thought the Nissan Frontier grafted onto the 620 front end was bad... This is just wretched..
  10. Just wanted to come here and say " YES to EDDIE " !!!
  11. Dude great news dan! See you there :)))
  12. Okay its on again you slimy rats. October 6th, lez do it! Bring your Datsun car or truck and lez play ball.
  13. Post his home address on the forum. We'll pay him a visit with a ball peen hammer and some bleach.
  14. What you mean Dan? Did you try registering before the window closed?
  15. Speaking of dealership frame deals that have fallen through... (moodster)?
  16. Moon Nissan was in Cerritos. I don't have any sentimental connection to Whittier, so it's up for grabs provided that someone has another Datsun frame that I'd be interested in. Costa Mesa Garden grove Brea Newport Norwalk Long beach La harbour Las Vegas Anyone ?
  17. Oddly enough, the one frame that I want the most I have yet to find (Garden Grove Datsun).
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