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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. It's not so much the kids as it is the parents. Where the fuck were THEY this whole time? Parents these days are total fucking morons and it's THEM that are the reason kids act like total apes. If they would give them a good smack every now and then, the kids would learn a little respect. I was a their age not too long ago and NEVER would have thought about doing that disgusting shit. Sure, my brother and I had our fair share of shenanigans in Target, but never anything to the extent of those kids. Just fucking rotten. Sorry you had to deal with that dude.
  2. Guessing it's just rattle can, right?
  3. Took it back today and got a BRAND new one right off the shelf Cuz I'm a ninja like that. However I don't think it's necessary. Although I'll retest before I pull the head. On close inspection I found that I had oil running oil around the head between cylinder 3 and 4 right around the area of the push rod valley.. Oics tomorrow maybe? I'm gonna re-check the torque on the head, then if all else fails pull it and check for the problem. Ordering a head gasket later. Anyone got an opinion on Beck/Arnley and RockAuto brand gaskets? Don't wanna go cheap here if they're gonna be a problem
  4. I'm laughing SOOOO fucking hard right now! Stupid Korean S/C piece of crap!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      try diet? Maby it needs a KISS of cherry flavour!?

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      still laughing Monkey ?


      ollzing ???

    4. metalmonkey47


      YES Wanna race the ZX still! We got the thing running like a fucking CHAMP!

  5. Sleep. <<<100 comments before I wake up.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      that a car brand, not a number......




      Derp, Derp!

    3. INDY510


      Infinity + Booossaaay






  6. Hm... just my $0.02, I don't think you should have any vac pressure at the advance around idle. It pulls vac pressure from below the throttle plate (I think) so the only advance you would have is above idle. Wouldn't really work very well if you have your timing advanced 24/7. Check your idle jet and make sure it's not clogged.
  7. thats what he said. What kinda paint is that?
  8. TEFLON! That's it. Nah, pretty new rental tool from Autozone
  9. Yeah I think it's a leak around a fitting. I'm gonna use some of that tape you put on air tools around the fittings(forgot what to call it) everywhere that it has a fitting, then try again.
  10. Lookin good man! Can't wait to find some time to get my car up there
  11. Thats the highest. I used a gasket scraper and a razer blade on the gasket surface of the block. Then used some 220 grit and 800 grit sandpaper to remove the bits and smooth the surface. That gauge has GOT to be bad, because it was running great and started better then before.
  12. Talk about low compression engine.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      yeah ^^^ I was thinking the same thing about the valves ,,,


      those are the absolute highest readings ??? how long did you crank for each ? what attachment did you use ?


      k thx

    3. metalmonkey47


      Yes thats highest. I had it going for about 5 seconds. I used the provided attachments.

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      eeeeeekkkkkkk !


      borrow a buddy's and try a cylinder again ;-) ( just to confirm )

  13. #4-32 #3-50 #2-50 #1-45 WAY low. Isn't it supposed to be around 150?
  14. Psh, standard type batteries such ASS! OO my dads home from his ride, maybe i'll steal him. BRB!!
  15. I had two dowels. One on the rear passenger hole, and one opposite on front driver. Went out, and as soon as I turned the key, my heart dropped cuz the batteries dead :( Gonna be about an hour before I have a charge on it. Maybe a little less. It's on a 6amp charger. My ass is about to go drop $170 on an Optima battery.
  16. Hold on, going to do it now,,, if the rain doesn't start again.
  17. Nah not smoking right now Cereal though, it wasn't smoking after I drove it for about 20 seconds yesterday. I was gonna go do a compression test, but it's fucking POORING :(
  18. My car isn't smoking anymore. WTF?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      Silly DTP, you know my car is strictly weed!

    3. INDY510


      burned out all those bad 210 pics and old oil

    4. metalmonkey47


      look at the thread for oics <<<<<<<

  19. Ahhh good point. lol I'll get him somehow. Maybe I'll just steal my girls phone one day and fuck with him. Either way, i'll figure something out. He's a total panzy anyways.
  20. lol nah, that situation is sorted out (for now.) I'm gonna pay that fag a visit
  21. Wait... let me get this straight.. you're getting rid of a 510 Goon for a Civic?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2AP3VMAkpA&feature=player_embedded
  23. My PCV is just a little breather :P Anyways, my GF was hiding in a tree today and happened to get this picture when i was moving the car for a yard sale. This is what it looks like smoking./
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