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Everything posted by crackerjack69

  1. Yeah, that color looked perfect w/ the olive green paint. I was happy to find some orange that went well on mine I've got a bunch more of that yellow color, I bought it to make a few of these, and have a lot left over :D
  2. I love it. I'm considering selling my 620 after Canby to finance the goon build.
  3. She needs an A/T, apparently it blew up. I'd give her mine, but she's too far away.
  4. That's neat. I bought a vinyl plotter at the first of the year, and registered an S corporation. So far it's been great, all the stuff has paid for itself at least 3 times now, and I'm considering quitting my 9-5 job :D Best of luck, and these are looking cool, can't wait to see what else you come up w/!
  5. Ha! That's awesome. I love "your mom" jokes. I stayed up late and made my first banner!!!
  6. I'll make this thread more useful. You can thank me later. These are now for sale And if you don't drive Datsuns, how can you get any of these?
  7. Yeah, and tell fuzz how long you've been waitin for yours lolz. It's worth the wait though :D
  8. Aargh!!! Angles are easy, curves are hard!!!! LOLZ, I made the Carl's Junior design in 5 mins, I've got an hour into your design and it's still crap :D I'll get it though. I'm no graphic designer, so some of these jobs getting thrown at me are kinda tough. The challenge is fun though.
  9. LOLz, yeah I could make those. Pm me size and color :D Had a few beers, and made these :D
  10. Guess who picked up some glow in the dark vinyl today? :D
  11. For teh lulz: Now not only am I laughing at this guy's Honduh, but also laughing at his humorous decals :D Hmmmm... Wonder if "Herrafrush" is copyrighted.
  12. THREAD JACK!!!! cuz this thread is boring. I'm making vinyl reproductions of the Datsun 620/521 tailgate letters. Used a very accurate template of the OEM letters. Available in whatever color your twisted minds can imagine... maybe. So no more crying and/or masturbating. Just fork over some $$$ and I'll make it all better :D
  13. Bonvo, you kick ass. I've been forced to learn all kinds of useful stuff while trying to make these :D They're not done by any means, but even in rough draft form they look good once cut in vinyl. Here's a couple pics of the steps I did tonight, from a bare bones design to eventually cutting and installing a neat prototype! These WILL be perfect in time for Canby. I just gotta complety rebuild the dash and the U, and do some straightening. The dash and U are gonna have angular lines of black running through to simulate the actual 3D shape of them. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to explain it, but my vision is solid and you'll see what I mean real soon :D I'm having a blast designing all this stuff. Thank you Ratsun, you bring great joy to my life.
  14. Yeah, there's gotta be more Datsun Bugs out there than this :D Only one more month to submit entries.
  15. Yeah, one of my vinyl sources sells some pretty legitimate mesh, thought about getting some. I have a top secret plan for my grill though. We'll see how it goes. Anyways Bonvo, these will be ready for you before Canby. And I saw your fresh paint, looks good.
  16. Getting a little closer to a working vector of the Bluebird-U emblem. This is tough going. It's gonna take some time, but I'll get it right. After I untangle all the nodes, and smooth all the edges, I'll begin on the outline. I have a cool picture in my head of how it's gonna look, but damn it's time consuming. I could cut 100 of these in less time than it'll take to vectorize the damn image. Now I gotta get some more Bluebird parts for my 620 so I can rock a pair of these once they're done :D already got the SU's, and arrow markers, maybe get an SSS grill to fit the 620???... ollz.
  17. So you want it then? $20 shipped... paypal is chrichilds@rocketmail.com :D
  18. Nice! BTW, and I'm sure haruspex agrees, these have waaay more personality in person. The camera doesn't capture them well. I have a hell of a time photographing some of the colors I have, they just don't show up right. Glad I could help. Still have some of this color left if anyone needs something made :D Here's a cool cool tailgate piece another member had me make I've got a girl driving all the way down from Central Washington to pick this up! I think she's after more than just the decal ;)
  19. Made these for the BMX meet next Saturday :D
  20. Wonder if you'll pass Cali emmisions w/o your smog gear? Do you have to still smog a '74 down there?
  21. Have you checked PnP in your area? I see auto trans 620's up here all the time.
  22. After about an hour of training, the kiddo's ready for the BMX PDX meet :D When he woke up this morning, he couldn't ride a bike to save his life, now look at him go!
  23. Yeah I could do them multicolored, and/or w/ outlines. Glow in the dark outline would be sweet. I might use some orange chrome to do my tailgate letters, and some matching orange chrome BRE style fender stripes :D
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