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Status Updates posted by I'm BLUE

  1. add sheep in front of that ,,, ollz

  2. and you ,,, and you ,,, and YOU !!! ollz

  3. sttttttooooooooopppppiiiiidddd

  4. Thanks Big Daddy ,,, yo !!! ,,, (take trident) ,,, k ,,, gotta up the charge ,,, $1 per job ,,,,,,, errrrrrrrrr

  5. I ,,,,,, I ,,,,,,, naow don't be mad Big Daddy !!!! ,,, I made ,,, this much ,,, (pulls out lifesavers and Trident Gum) ,,, his name was Kamakazi ,,, he robs me ,,, Yo !!!

  6. no ,,,, (curls up waiting for the pimp smack) errrrrrrrrrr

  7. the fawk you jus call me bisch ? hahaha ollz jk

  8. sexual relations ,,, still touching sex making parts Jen ,,, he stil lied by "omission" ,,, of knowledge of miss lewinsky ,,, and relationship with her ,,,

  9. wow !!!! ,,,, where did you hear that from ?

  10. I did not have sexual relations with zcar ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    well not ,,, not last night at least ? I think ? ollz

  11. errrrrrrrrrrrrr damn it not what I meant !!! ollz

  12. But Cigars feel good ,,, Just Don't Smoke one from ol Bill Clinton ,,, ollz

  13. (Sets Up TRap for ROad Runner ...... muahahahhaahah)

  14. Whoops meant to click send a message not remove friend ... Sorry ollz

    Anways no way in hell I'm clicking assmageddon thread .... Ollz

    Damn phone .... Gggrrrr .... Ollz

  15. LORF ,,, I'm thinking S&S Chicken/Rice or Kung Pao Chicken meow !!!


  16. Today will be a good day !!! Believe it !!!!

  17. Yeah hahaha .... It was a good one ollz

  18. Down to play Hahahaha

  19. Giggity giggity .... Goo !!!

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