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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. the 1980's are much uglier. This is what my car turned into.
  2. I was trying to show a new co-worker of mine some different datsun cars and i typed 1976 Datsun 710 coupe in google images and found this http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/curbside-classic-outtake-the-two-faces-of-eugene-edition/ It was a picture taken behind me and my dads office in December. Its funny to watch them argue about who's car is the accountants. And someone said 70's Datsuns are ugly. :mad:
  3. Anyone in the eugene area wann go see his (Les Claypool's)show tomorrow night? We got 2 extra tickets
  4. tag, jassifrass yeah i really like borderlands, i play as mordecai
  5. This is the cutest thing i have ever seen...the story and the doog.
  6. yea we did that and i checked the transmission fluid the day after you were there and it was still full. I didn't drive a whole lot but i will today. I also parked in my spot backwards so i can tell if it's still leaking.
  7. you should also find someone to custom make you a ship steering wheel
  8. I really don't know what the deal is but my cars being weird. It keeps putting itself in neutral then back into drive (automatic transmission) I checked the fluid and it looks ok. anything else is beyond me. It also does that when im making turns but it's doing it more when i just stop. It's also got an oil leak. The puddle under my car is terrible. I learned this by putting oil in it. Now my temp. gauge works too so yea.
  9. We saw this one at the holiday market at the Eugene fairgrounds last week. Kind of delayed posting it. The tail lights are really cool. Kelly (Skunktruckin) says it's an f10. but it didnt have any badges or anything that said, just Datsun
  10. So i was at autozone on W 11th in Eugene yesterday and as i was getting in my car i saw an aqua greenish 710 goon go by. :eek: I got in my car and tried to catch up to the guy. He slowed way down so i could get next to him and the guy and his girlfriend were all excited to see me too. I havent seen another one of my car here yet so i thought that was pretty cool. :D
  11. haha nice. Well yea that was a while ago but the battery is some weird cheap off brand piece of crap and it cannot handle 9 degree weather and the car wont start without a jump. Im going today to buy a new one that wont poop out so that shouldnt be an issue again for a while.
  12. So I finally did some research on my color code. I was really hoping it was orange,but my car is red. It say's 905 is Cherry Red :mad:. Here's a link to the site where i found the codes in case anyone else wants to look. http://www.tcpglobal.com/autocolorlibrary/aclchip.aspx?image=1977-datsun-pg02.jpg
  13. Well I was sick and missed a bunch of work so my paycheck was lame. :( Im better now but yea it was swine flu. Still have a slight cough but better otherwise.
  14. I want to do something to my car damn it! I dont like getting sick and missing work right before christmas....or crappy weather....grr:mad:
  15. I saw these pictures and had to share. I have no idea who actually owns that car but yea pretty cool. Kinda silly someone didnt think of this sooner.
  16. I love it too. I didnt like wagons really until i found this.
  17. I have a 710 goon :D...i have a seperate thread in here for it too but here's a couple pictures
  18. yea it's got a 10 in the wrong place for sure. Thanks again this is really awesome.
  19. I thought about it a little and the heater was out for a while while we were sick but i did drive it a few times and lights and wipers and all that seemed to work so im not sure that it's connected to anything else. Maybe the radio but i didn't try using it this time. :confused: Any chance anyone out here has even just a picture of what the different fuses are? Like the fuse box cover so i can tell what is what.
  20. So i was driving around on my lunch today and the fuse for the heater blew again. The fuse and the box was really warm. Im not sure what thats about. It kinda looked like the fuse melted.
  21. There is not one picture that fully describes the fatness that is my doog....so here's a few. His name is Sampson, he's 5 and he's a min pin / german pinscher mix so he's about 25lbs. (min pin's are about 10)
  22. So i pulled the fuses like you suggested and the 3rd one down is blown. We're going to get some new ones right now so i'll let you know if that fixes the heater. The starting problem hasnt been a problem since that one time, it starts every time now.
  23. wow just check out your web page, the art is sick. if only i put more work in my art i could be doing that kind of stuff, but yet im lazzy and never finish my art.

    you pic of the 510 is alot like what i want on my 620, old school japanese fitgher plane, with lots of rivets and a painted rust look.

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