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About tdaaj

  • Birthday 02/28/1980

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    datsuns, offroading, and old cars, swapmeets, vintage auto ads
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    a job

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  1. had to put my best down tonight. some pretty hard shit. never realize how attached you can get. she was like my kid.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Seeker > 620 KC

      Seeker > 620 KC

      Tough decisions at Thanksgiving time. I feel ya. Hang in there.


    3. Draker


      Sorry to hear it tdaaj. Those of us that have been there really feel your pain.

    4. Loren O

      Loren O

      I lost my cat a couple years ago, I had her 12 years. She was part of our family! She would "mother" over or kids, never left our side, if we we sick, her breed "talks" alot. She had what I think were a couple of strokes. I hadn't cried in years, but I bawled that morning. So sorry to hear your going through this!

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