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Everything posted by sick620

  1. more for you..... :rolleyes:
  2. u didnt get there number
  3. wide14u no and no... farmer ya i know haha...
  4. farmer joe the leafspring/pinion angle god came over today..... We.... (mostly he) god rid of the old ghetto mono leaf.... we rigged up something a little more solid.. added some 2 degree shims and clamps... MY ANGLE IS FIXED! only like 3/4 inch taller now and ten times stiffer....
  5. check my project thread here in a sec....
  6. talk to farmerjoe about tucking 14"s he'll help ya get low..... :cool:
  7. post in general discussion or electrical section..... explain yourself better...
  8. ahhh :( I want to be a mod..... Lucky! :cool:
  9. sick620

    Canby 2011

    thats the spirit mike!
  10. sick620

    Canby 2011

    ya.. last year I came saturday in the middle of the day in a subaru cuz the datto didnt make it.... I camped and left after the show sunday.... Me and 5 other dattos atleast will be there friday at 1 or 2.....
  11. wait not on a later 510 tranny no....
  12. sick620

    Canby 2011

    seriously i need a date! You know like a time.... when is canby going to be! 10th, 11th, and 12th... i assume...
  13. idk why sickboy hasnt commented on here yet.... he has a sick keltec 9mm fold up assault rifle and some sawed offs.... :cool:
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