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Everything posted by sick620

  1. im moving to japan i fit in out there http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAhZC5VJAe4
  2. who wants to take there truck out this weekend to get more of the exclusive datsun commercial action? we need more shots...
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDS6UQpssSg
  4. I just got this on my arm.... :)
  5. I will 100% on my ankle... it has to be inside ankle cuz outside is covered...
  6. god I hate it when I repost.... :rolleyes: :D :fu:
  7. john morton kinda looks like kamikazi..... lollzz :lol:
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5XAP4pCRps
  9. oh i get laid i just cant get a girlfriend.... two very different problems
  10. dan just texted me.... your getting it for sure.... i got money for it for sure..... :lol:
  11. I WILL DO THAT TOO!! :cool: Or maybe outta my ass hole
  12. NO WAY! but i will do that ankle thing...
  13. cant be more than $50 so everyone start throwing in and ill get it....
  14. its a done deal im gitting it! :cool:
  15. nobody lives with me in my pedovan....
  16. And people will get pissed when you tell em retarded shit... thats life. :rofl:
  17. pedobearpedobearpedobear :lol:
  18. my balls were tingling and frozen by the end of the night....
  19. hit the nail on the head ol' skib..
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