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Posts posted by Logical1

  1. My money is on blown head gasket, block is fine, head maybe slightly warped but doubt it. Search on Ratsun for the head removal and wedging of timing chain. Head gasket=$20 new oil, coolant, and oil filter=$60. I have done several 720 head gaskets in an a couple hours.  

  2. For all the 720's I have done head gaskets on I use a wooden coat hanger broken in half, it truly seems like they are specifically designed to work as a Z chain wedge! the original hanger is one like this:




    I cut it down to this size and drill a hole in the top for the retrieval line like this: (E-tape for scale)


    • Like 2
  3. Nice score! With 30"+ tires (which are a little big for the Z24 IMO) I would absolutely get the power steering working again! No yards by you with a possible donor 720? A guy down the road from me has a crashed 720 I might be able to talk out of the steering pump.

  4. 16 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

    How long did your bad head/jb weld job actually last? Just curious in the name of science.


    Good memory! The vehicle I just fixed was an older gentleman's 620 that had been sitting for years and a friend of mine asked me to help him out. Luckily the L series was my first love and not hard to get going again! As for my beat the fuck up 720 I did the JB weld job on, I drove it for just over 3 months before getting a line on my current DD in the NW. I let the 720 sit for a while and when I had the time pulled the head back off to TIG weld up the void between chambers. The JB weld was still intact but the head gasket was obviously close to failing. I think the porous nature of JB weld and the imperfections of the patch allowed gasses to push through and erode the gasket. I welded the head up, gently sanded it down and it ran great. I gave that truck to a friend with a small farm here on Whidbey Island and it is still going strong last I checked! 

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  5. A quick break from destruction... I just finished bringing another Datsun back to life with multiple electrical issues, bad rings, chipped valves etc. I wanted to give thanks to everyone on this site for the selfless sharing of knowledge and guidance in the past 15 years I have been here. I knew nothing about automotive engineering and now I help more people just as a hobby with their vehicles than I can count and it is all in thanks to everyone here who has joined together in a common cause! I think this is relevant to the destruction thread as there is such a clear divide politically between many of us, but even more that unites us! Now, back to the bickering! 🤣 

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  6. 14 minutes ago, wayno said:

    I just want a government that is transparent


    In my most beautiful dreams this would be a reality! With the current state of affairs, technology, social divisions, and corporate influence, I don't think either party in the US, nor any other world power is willing or interested in speaking the truth and/or allowing the common folk to peak behind the curtain! 

    • Like 4
  7. 37 minutes ago, IZRL said:

    The difference between most of the fear mongering on the right vs the left.


    Is that the left is trying to freak people out about things that "might" happen under Trump.


    The right is mostly reporting what the left "has already done", and what they're actively trying to do. There's no need to make shit up or try to freak people out with what the opposition might do when the reality of America's current state in the wake of this admin is terrifying enough.


    There's no comparison between someone who has already committed murder and someone you believe "might" have homicidal tendencies.


    I agree with this statement, there is a lot of what if's from the left. That being said the only media I get exposed to is while I am in the house with my grandfather and fox news is reporting on what the left is saying!

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  8. 10 minutes ago, SlowNsteady said:

    Random question, is there a Nissan 200sx category on the website? I found a 1987 one and I saw it doesn’t have a very strong community behind it. I figured maybe there was one here? If not do y’all know anything about them would it be wise to buy one? 




    It is a mix of the many models that are not as prolific as the others but you can find some good info in there!

  9. 17 minutes ago, yenpit said:

    Are you sure you got it right?? 🤣


    That it is an abbreviative and not an acronym? 😁 Or that in this context it stands for: Trump Derangement Syndrome? I must say I was going back and forth with that or: Total Dissolved Solids... 😜

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  10. This morning I went to put on some music from youtube and right at that moment my adblock decides to update and I get a commercial, It was the father of a child killed in the sandy hook shooting pleading with people to urge congress to ban assault weapons. He then goes on to describe how the shooter used large magazines as to not need to reload so much. He specifically asks to ban the AR15. Here is my question, Being semi-auto and having the ability to use large magazines does my ancient SKS fall under the assault weapons category? Its an old Russian model with a wooden stock, it jams so much I am lucky to get off a full magazine with having to fuck with it, Maybe that is a built in safety feature?🤣 It could also be the shitty Russian rounds I have with steel casings...

    • Like 1
  11. I HIGHLY doubt a relay will fix your issue. In essence the solenoid on the starter is just a high amperage relay. Have you put a meter on the small wire going to the solenoid spade lug and looked at what voltage you were getting there when you tried to turn it over? If you are dead set on putting a relay in , it is very simple as the existing wire coming from the ignition can act as the activator for the relay, then run a decent size wire to the main positive of the battery for the switched power. However I am willing to bet your voltage from the ignition is low or more likely bad grounding of the starter/engine to the battery. I have fixed many, many starters (and misc other electrical gremlins) by repairing/adding grounds to the head from the main negative battery terminal. 

  12. That body is way too nice to use it for a parts truck! What part of California are you in? Plenty of folks in Oregon or Arizona would LOVE that truck and don't have the same silly smog laws. Specifically Arizona as any small truck sells for a mint, doubly so if they are a 4x4! I get asked at LEAST once an outing in my 720 if I want to sell it in AZ.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

    an't see that happening just to satisfy one (or even two) members and newbies. We should be mature enough to identify and ignore subjects we don't approve of not censor them, and make no mistake this is censorship for the many by the few.. 


    Spock quoted it best...


    • Like 1
  14. WOW! is a single thread on a FREE ad FREE forum really that upsetting to some folks? 

    10 minutes ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

    Do those VW threads stay at the top

    The thread is at the top BECAUSE so many people talk/vent/meltdown here! I can send you a chrome plugin that will load the site starting from the bottom up if seeing general discussion (talk about ANYTHING) first is that miserable for you! 

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  15. 14 minutes ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

    I like you Ooph!, I respect your critically thought out positions. MSM shares your perspective on this rating are ratings right? . I dont want this shit when I come here, Ratsun isn't supposed to be about this. there is only 1 ratsun, there are literally countless places to talk about the worlds problems. why the fuck does it need to be here is all im saying. Mike keeps it alive for HIS entertainment, I have it on good account he isn't very popular outside of this forum because he runs this site like it's his not the communities. Politics is just another divisive nail in the hobby coffin. people come here that are new to the hobby, see this blight on the site and often think fuck this and the interest dies as quickly as its born in many cases. Ive physically heard it.


    This site owned and paid for by a good friend of mine whom as I far as I know has never chimed in on the destruction thread. There are no ads nor do thread views make a bit of difference to ANYTHING! As for you not liking politics on the site, I ABSOLUTY LOATH Volkswagen but there are several VW projects posted in the other cars section. It is not difficult to avoid clicking on them even though I do out of a masochistic indulgence once in a while!  😜

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  16. 18 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

    It will run richer and richer as you go upward. If it should actually run better that at lower elevations you might actually be running lean.


    I understand. What I was saying is that I will Jet it for 7000' after I get a FI vehicle and just leave it on the mountain so I don't have to re-jet it when I go to the valley. I imagine the jetting for 7000' feet would be VERY lean at near sea level!

  17. 9 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

    Thinner air as you go up. I think you loose 3% power for every 1,000 feet of elevation. So roughly 20% power loss at 7,000 '

    Thank you, I was curious about the equation. It is curious as I drive her around the mountains (with no payload) and she still seems very peppy with no re-jetting of the weber. When I get a chance to go back home maybe I will actually re-jet her as I have the jets just hanging out on my parts shelf. I hadn't wanted to re-jet her because I was making trips down to the valley to see my father and didn't want her to run lean in low elevation. I am hoping to pick-up something 90's, cheap, and fuel injected to make the trips to the valley after this though and just leave the truck on the mountain!

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