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Everything posted by 71DIMER

  1. SOOOOOOOO that's how you got there. hahah u should slap one of the Ratsun stickers on it!
  2. I thought of you when taking that pic Bonvo!! :)
  3. Great turn out guys, thanks for coming out...lots more cool cars and folks than last time for sure! Here's the pics I took with my point and shoot, there were some guys with a fancy camera, lets see if they post their pics too. I am planning to have this meetup become a regular monthly meet at the same location (Santa Clara) and same starting time (7 PM) on the last Thursday of every month so people can mark it on thier calenders. :)
  4. My grill was a little to bare so I added some grill bling in the form of a SSS and BLUEBIRD emblems. :) My goon is in the background :P
  5. Sounds good...will see you (and others) there tomorrow. :)
  6. No it's actually a pretty easy system. I went to ship a set of tail lights a while ago, had them all boxed up so I got a UPS online quote of $35, so I went to the UPS store to ship it and the lady said it'll be $78, I asked her about it and she gave me some lame excuse, so I asked if I get the preprinted label on the box can I drop it off here? She said yes so I went back to my desk, paid for it online (yes you have to set up an account, only takes a few minutes though), paid $35, printed out the UPS label, took the box and label to the UPS store, they handed me a bag that you slip the label into, seal it and stick onto the box...and that was it. UPS stores, FedEx Kinkos (soon to be Fed Ex Office), or any kind of store that isn't a UPS/FedEx location that has thier huge delivery trucks are basically chain/franchise locations which are all independantly owned and operated, so they have overhead costs for thier locations etc so they have a markup in thier pricing. That's why you're getting a totally different price at the store than the online quote.
  7. Hey Sean, I would but I just upgraded my ignition (EI dizzy) to *hopefully* fix the stumbling/cutting issue when I drive it. It seems to misfire and I've tried changing plugs/wires/dist cap/rotor/fuel filter etx and it still did it. I just swapped the EI dizzy in today so I'll try driving her around to see if it's still doing the same thing. I barely felt comfortable driving it 20 miles from my place over to PL521SSS but it made it there and back like a champ. :) We'll see if I can make it out to Sac...we're having our local meet this coming Thursday so I'll hope to see lots of guys there and if possible make it out to Sac's. If I go I'll be looking for some shortened strut assemblies and/or shorter struts since according to PL521SSS my strut assemblies are not stock 68 ones...they're 11.5" tall while the stock 68 ones should be 10" tall (he has some so we measured). So it's sitting really tall...yuck.
  8. Thanks Mklotz, swapped in an electric distributor today with help of Hector (thatsoon510) and Abraham (PL521sss). Also added some cool arm rests to my goon...its top flips up and it forms a pocket with the door panel when installed.
  9. Hahaha...man if they trust me working on satellites, you'd think you wouldn't have to check my battery connections...LOL...but hey it's all good....trust but verify is a good motto. It's running good just need to fine tune it as I heard some pinging (rattle can sound) on the highway when I stepped on the gas...timing must be a bit retarded so I have to advance it a bit. Too bad I don't have a timing gun to just do it right from the get go. Thanks for helping out...and we'll hit the rest up sometime soon. P.S. it's aerospace engineer man...get it right or I'll be forced to show the 'begging on the knees' picture! :P
  10. Thanks guys...yeah I know still debating to go with vw or mr2 inserts with my lowering springs...decisions decisions.:P
  11. I don't think so...should be bone stock but yeah it's freaky high. What time should we cruise over Abe????
  12. Ok I got off my butt today and made my goon look different from bmxanddie :P
  13. It's been awhile since my last post but I got a new set of wheels last week, check it out...:) Here's my goon with the Watanabes Time to swap :)
  14. Bmxanddie: Man besides the stance ur copying me!!! :P J/K Your wagon's looking good, keep it up.
  15. I'll post when 1 left and when I run out so until you see that post feel free to just send a personal paypal payment with your name/address included and I'll send them out. Thanks!!!
  16. No like my description states, I only have white in the larger ones.
  17. Looking good there Ed :D Bonvo: What are you trying to do with them? I just got a few of these smaller ones made...let me know if those work. :P Larger Rat-N-Wrenches Sticker Dimensions: Height: 5 in. Width: 3 1/4 in. Color: White only $6 shipped Smaller Rat-N-Wrenches Sticker Dimensions: Height: 3 1/2 in. Width:2 1/4 in. Color: White or black $5 shipped Upclose
  18. Hey good to know you like the carpet :) If worse comes to worse with the seats and you really want it, I can get the seat and ship it to you if that helps...of course you pay shipping, just throwing that out there to help a fellow dimer out.
  19. You should get work done on it Ben..hell you can drive one of my 510's if it makes you feel better :P haha!
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