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71DIMER last won the day on May 12 2010

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About 71DIMER

  • Birthday 06/08/1975

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    CA SF Bay Area-South Bay
  • Cars
    1968 Datsun 510 Wagon, 1970 Datsun 510 2 Door, Honda CRX HF, Mazda Miata, Audi A4 B8 Avant
  • Interests
    Fast Cars and Faster Women
  • Occupation
    Rocket Scientist

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  1. Off to an expensive morning...got pulled over by the man and got ticketed for failing to come to a complete stop! Damn cops, isn't there some real crime going in for them to worry about than to pull me over after the first stop sign from my house!

    1. MicroMachinery


      Atleast you know you live in an area that's safe enough that they have to be that petty.

    2. Dguy210


      Do a trial by written declaration. Even if you lose, you can still request a jury trial or traffic school. Requires the cop to answer with other paperwork so they usually blow it off and you win.

    3. 71DIMER


      Just seems like a total hassle...man I was just on my way to wor in the morning, no I have to spend all this $$$ for the ticket and traffic school when it could have and should have gone into my dime!

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