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captaingamez last won the day on September 13 2015

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  • Location
    Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Cars
    2002 civic si, 1984 Nissan Maxima 910.
  • Interests
    Machining, Vintage stereo. Cars

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  1. FR means that Power+Turning=Drifting (slow, slow = boring), FF means that Power+Turning=Overtaking (fast, fast=fun)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flatcat19


      Honda-Tech is thatta way---->

    3. captaingamez


      All your responses prove that you have never tracked a FF car setup for actually driving and not getting groceries.


      Congrats, you all bit at me essentially proving you have little track experience and regardless of how much you have...


      I have more.

    4. captaingamez


      So theres this thing called LOGIC, try using it.


      And if you drove an FF that oversteers, I am sorry, that car was setup WRONG.


      My Civic essentially drifts if you turn hard enough, and so does every single track FF I have ever driven, go out and get yourselves some experience instead of believing everything on the interwebz.


      And by the way guys, I switched from an EVO to drive FF, thats a step up if you again, actually have EXPERIENCE as a driver.

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