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captaingamez last won the day on September 13 2015

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    Phoenix, Arizona.
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    2002 civic si, 1984 Nissan Maxima 910.
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    Machining, Vintage stereo. Cars

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  1. I cant believe that Phillip Seymour Hoffman is dead. He was such a good actor. RIP man.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. laotsu


      My cocaine use is purely medicinal...

    3. laotsu


      Phil Hoffman was a superb actor and it is OUR loss now that he is gone.

    4. captaingamez


      I never said I either had "Sympathy" for him nor did I say it wanst sad that all the other illegal drug users died. All I aid was I cant believe PSH is dead, and he was a great actor.


      And it is OUR loss, theres not that many great actors today.


      Rick-A-Rat, I only do "drugs" that grow from the ground, guess that makes me a worthless illegal drug user too.


      get real.

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