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captaingamez last won the day on September 13 2015

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    Phoenix, Arizona.
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    2002 civic si, 1984 Nissan Maxima 910.
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    Machining, Vintage stereo. Cars

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  1. Isnt it interesting that Japan has the lowest lung cancer rates, and one of the highest smoking rates?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. H5WAGON


      They don't inhale...just do it to look cool like Americans...



    3. captaingamez


      Actually its cause they dont eat the garbage we do, and Japanese men are more in shape physically.


      Its not the smoking causing the cancer, its thge smoking combinined with drinking and eating like shit.

    4. captaingamez


      and yes they definitely do inhale, and no they dont die young from heart attacks from stress.


      Another contributing factor is the fact that cigarrettes in Japan are much MUCH safer. less carcinogens, more natural, and the biggest thing, is that 99.9 percent of cigarettes in Japan contain a carbon filter, in america less than %.1 have that filter, we love our fiberglass

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