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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Was raised in Ritzville, family reunion...
  2. Made the haul to Ritzville and back, around 500mi on sat... no problems! Thanks again to all who helped!
  3. Was a fun ride too, eh? Can't wait to tear appear the old engine to see what's bad...
  4. Goin good so far, shakedown has been successful! Big thanks to Q-tip, Nanner, and the spin out kid for all the help!

  5. Me and the Tip, We Do Work Son, we dont specializen oics....
  6. I put a chalk line in the alley 8ft from the edge opposite my shop. Per Puyallup city code, you can park on/in an alley as long as there is 8ft of free alleyway, and we werent even close... My dad and his buddy were blocking too much... Now I know the rules... The cops said that you cant in the alley at all, I called them back and informed them of the mistake....
  7. Beat it till it quit on my buddys back field lawn mower track... Then I ran it into the tall grass for safe keeping...
  8. I gotz my pumpkn back...
  9. havin a thing at my shop tomorrow evening. 6pm to 10pm in puyallup wa. PM for details!

  10. I got best work in progress "not just another bucket of bolts" award... not sure if for car or for me..... *insert fry pic here*
  11. Where were you able to get new plastics? I been lookin for a blue console, and a couple switches...
  12. custom made pickup tube... had to replace one bolt with a stud cause the placement of the first bend... And trist, my buddys dad is a brit.... thats what he calls it...
  13. I kicked him into the pond repeatedly, yelling "whats up meow?" I then gave him the silent treatment and made him sleep on the couch...
  14. He came at me once... didnt work out to good for him...
  15. oh yea, izzo gave me the engine! lolz
  16. bananahamuck is the shit, and so is q-tip! Here are some pics! dirty empty bay with the engine nanner brought to me! dirty bay insert q-tip clean bay Will be getting the new engine/trans/clutch combo tonight. Had to make a custom pickup tube, but it wasnt too much trouble.
  17. P.M. me for information on chicken and duck raising, for eggs or meat. I put a chicken coup in a chicken coup... yo
  18. Im sorry if I came off too harshly... I have had some success with the moderating team here on this forum, Im meerly stating that if people are allowed to disobey some rules, some of the time.... where do you draw the line? When I have complained about people breaking the rules and being rude to newbs, I saw no marked improvement.... And people dont seem to have to own up to stuff... I will alwayse be ratsun, and dont plan on the changes on the forum or peoples additudes keep me from doing what I love. I just wish we were more of a community than a clickey forum, then were no better than the vortext....
  19. I see no need for a fight, but some answers would be nice. I can understand it is hard to try to control all the people on this forum.... So why does it seem to so many members, that certain members are allowed to repeatedly belittle and berate newbies for asking simple questions? It takes more time/effort to spew insults than to answer some of the questions..... And again, I understand its hard to keep people in line, but not impossable...
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