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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Thanks guys. I found one in town for $350. The guy says "Its a KingCab." I was even thinking air bags with a switch in the cab and by the tailgate as to help out with the load unload process(nothing crazy). Dr. Greenthumb Lawncare
  2. I am starting a landscaping buisness and was thinking of using a datsun truck. If not a datsun then a dodge. I will be carrying 2 lawn mowers a couple weed eaters, 2 garbage cans rakes, gas and other whatnot. The question is this: Would this be practical? What would the maint be like. I will most likely not be using it to haul debris so the suspension should handle the mowers, gas, rakes and crap, right?
  3. Dont toot my horn too mutch there guys. I just threw those on in like a half hour. They look alright in the pictures and 50/50(50feet or 50MPH) I do like how they look on the car and cant wait to paint the car! Need to do some work though. The left rear quarter has like a 2 square feet that are bondo. I dont know the severity of the damage yet, so Im keepin my fingers crossed.
  4. I screwed around (Stop Screwin Around!) a little and put on something that is close to what I want. I was thinking of painting 210 or getting an old school 210 emblem for the rear inside the stripe. I like the way it followed the body line in the rear. I plan on doing this in the front aswell, maby a little sharper to add to the lines of the car.
  5. Well I couldn't find the exact one I want, which I like. But this is close. Pretty mutch this theme but over the trunk in the rear. Maby I will mock one up on the rear half for ya
  6. When and where is this canby of which you speak? I will look in the events section. And I dont want the all around stripe. I want a hockey stripe, where they connect acros the top rear of the trunk.
  7. Yea. I am gonna fill the remaining holes in the body. Put a chrome Jaguar locking gas door just behind the rear window. Install 1968 Mopar side marker lights. Paint it orange again with a Mopar style black side stripe that goes over the trunk too. Then its on to a L20 and a 5 speed. Trying to get it painted by the end of summer then rebuild a L20 and 5 speed over the winter for springtime fun.
  8. Got all the mags on (need smaller 13s for the front) put on my fender mount mirror and got the dash and pad swapped and the hood and cowel. I am extremely pleased!
  9. I used a ass-ton of neversneeze on the fronts when I put them on the front today and it worked great!
  10. Well I found another 79 automatic 210 for $200. So the kid that bought the shitty parts car from me bought it. I am going to swap the hood and the fender on them and put the hood scoup back on and he is gonna give me the parts car back. I am thinking bumblebee car at Tenino? It would be kick ass!
  11. I talked to the kid and he is willing to sit on it for a couple months. He is really gung-ho about this old crappy car. I am just happy that another runner is saved from the scrap pile! He is planning on doing a motor swap soon and I was thinking about taking the A14 and 5sp off of his hands. Are there people out there that are looking for A14s? How hard is it to find rebuild parts for the 5sp? It makes noise when the clutch is out. Not the worst tranny sound, but bad enough.
  12. The parts car title is no good. It is totalled. I got the car to where it will pass the inspection. But they are booked out a month and a half! It may not be worth it. It has all the crappy parts off of the two cars. The kid that wants it may not be willing to go thru all the B.S. I hope for the cars sake he is. If not I will remove most of the glass and a fender chunk or two. Maby the drive train and the rear end. Then its off to be reincarnated as a couple toasters!
  13. I gotta get some flat silver and black paint and the grille will be New Again! But what about the lower grille lip? What I gotta do to get it back to flat and flush?
  14. So I bought a set of polished slotted mags for $150. Bought them from a friend of mine. When I went to the tire shop(after spending $30 on nuts and washers) I found out that one of them was the wrong bolt pattern. My friend is gonna make good on that! But When I was putting them on the rear luggs stripped whyle taking them off to hit the inner quarter pannel lip for clearance. Any one else had this problem? I did get 2 on the back and they look AWSOME. I put the stock center cap on one of them for the pics. Gonna do some testing to see if it will stay. I am sooo excited about my progress on this car and it wouldnt be possable without this forum. So Thanks!
  15. Personally, I like the Pull-A-Part idea. And if it goes bad I just take it in to my friend at the alternator and starter exchange in puyallup. Cheap and he does the job right.
  16. Yea I dont have any problems with my 4-sp. And I thought about just swapping the trannys but I dont like the shift pattern, and the stick and clutch are going. I figure my end result is gonna be a 2.0 anyway so I should leave it alone till I get what I want. Need to start scouering Pull-A-Part for a motor and tranny! I am also looking for off color discount paint at the paint store. Gotta be orange though!
  17. All I want is a L20 and a 5-sp. Thats it. And I got a 79 B-210 to trade!:D
  18. I just put custom brass bushings to tighten up my 4-speed manual and the 5-sp tries to jumo out of reverse, also the clutch is going. It can stay. Today we sunk the bumper in the front by drilling out the shocks and pushing it in. Then we put self tappers in to hold it firm. I also got the rest of the body pannels swapped out. I do believe that I will swap the hood and the cowel pannel aswell. The more I look at this punkin the more rust I see. Then all there is left to do is the dash pad and guage face. I am going to use the stock interior mirror upside down on the dash, I think this will be cool and go with the euro look Im going for. I will later put 60s' Mopar mirrors on the front fenders. Dont talk about it, Be about it!
  19. Yea it is faster for sure. Got the pass side all swapped today, sunk the front bumper and reinstalled the driving lights. Now it is uber sweet looking! All I gotta do now is find some cool lookin orange paint.
  20. I have decided to swap out the other side fender and door aswell. It has the Arm rest instead of the handle and mine is rusty as is the fender. This is the parts car with my left side, grille and bumper.
  21. I am supposed to be selling the whole car next weekend for $100. The motor and tranny are pretty mutch worked over. The tranny is a wierd shift pattern and is hella loose. We spent about 30 min with my sledge hammer. a jack, and some dunnage, and fixed the rear quite a bit. This will still be a good car even after I swap out all the good stuff.
  22. I bought this car for $90. It is a 79 B210. It has a A14 and a 5speed. Found it on a back street in puyallup whyle chasing down a yard sale. I swapped all the seats(reclining) and the door and fender I needed. SCORE! Now Im gonna swap the other door and fender cause they dont have the holes from the body molding, and they are B210 doors with the arm rests. I am also gonna swap the dash cause it is the woodgrain one and it is in better condition. The dashpad is also in premo condition and it will also be swapped with the cracked one from my car. I needed one of the pop out windows, so I got that too. I got a kid that wants to give me $100 for it on friday so I got a deadline! Here are pictures of my day. The 3 hour process that is a major part swap!
  23. Hope all the best for your pickem-up-truck. But the carb really needs to be adjusted right. If you run lean, you burn it up. If you run rich, you cant afford to fill it up or buy enough plugs. I am pretty sure if you get the carb dialed in(pain in the ass adjustment screw) and the timing set, she will be a ripper! Nice truck too Hainz! That shit was hella legit!:D
  24. The things on the dash are little LED lights for my dash. I got that seperate dash light dimmer switch. And we broke it on accident takling out the dash to put in the sterio. The only place to get it is NISSAN and they want $140 for it. I had to take out the heater vent distribution box for sterio clearance. So I took it all out of the dash and used it to make the intake.
  25. New Custom Intake Made out of Heater Vent Tubing! Current Front Shot Rear is a little Lower than the Front Damaged Side Put the Finishing Touches On It, On It! Interior Shot
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