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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. Thanks again guys! Editing the first post did the trick. I hope everyone gets the message, & is able to attend!
  2. I am probably going to need to make a new thread,since it won't let me edit the title via cell phone. I don't even own a desktop computer.
  3. I almost always do that also. Using the mobile version is like trying to eat steak with a spork.
  4. I forgot to change the date in the title, but left it on this thread on purpose, for those who had followed the event when it was originally scheduled. That seemed like the best way to get the word out. The rescheduled event will be Saturday,February 11th 2017 at Wilsonville Sonic, starting at around 6pm, & ending around 9pm,or whenever everyone takes off. I will attempt to edit the title. As for the Facebook/social media link, I forget that not everyone uses social media. It is far easier to post events,pictures, etc via cell phone on social media, than on the forum. The mobile version of Ratsun is hokey at best.
  5. Hi everyone, I am hoping the weather will hold out better for our Rescheduled Wilsonville Sonic meet. Here's an updated link. https://www.facebook.com/events/204383480034478/?ti=cl
  6. I bought mine,knowing it had a blown head gasket. Got a good deal on it. I already have the parts to fix it,& repairs are underway. Dreaming of a KA24 swap in the future for this truck anyway.
  7. That's Awesome! Thank you! Now I just need to find one for the other side,then I can fix up the banged up front end. I think Al had at least 1,different color though. I will need to get one painted,I will also need some extra paint,to touch up where the Canopy boot rubbed through the paint.
  8. I am also working on a 720. Mine is an 83 2wd ST. I wonder if I have seen the one you are getting?
  9. I completely understand. My truck isn't going anywhere either. Mine is probably rusting away at a faster rate than it has ever moved.
  10. Well folks,for the safety of everyone,& thier Datsuns,we're going to have to reschedule this event. I will try to show up, for those who don't get the message, but if you're not already on the road,please stay home. I will post about the rescheduled event asap.
  11. The problem with rescheduling at this late stage is that the possibility of people not getting the message is way to high. I will be in Wilsonville anyway, so I will show up. If the weather ruins the event today,I will schedule another meet asap. Short of that, not much else to do. I don't want to have anyone show up,not knowing, & not have anyone there.
  12. I'm looking forward to attending the Canby show this year. I bet it's going to be a great event, just like always.
  13. Drive your Datsun if you can,but if the only possible way for you to show up,is by driving something non-Datsun, then just get there however you can. I hate the idea of people missing this.
  14. Al picked up my 521 Saturday. He's going to get the things I haven't had time for done,so I can start daily driving this truck. I have been driving a rental car from work, because my 510 goon has been difficult to get started, & the ball joints and tie rods are shot. The car has pretty severe "death wobble ",so it's parked until I can get the parts needed to fix it. Even at employee price, the cost of driving a rental car daily is bankrupting me.
  15. Thank you,Steven! I am hoping for a good turnout from the members of Datsuns NW ,& also the members of NW Datsun owners Association.
  16. I am excited to announce our 3rd annual Datslocos Oregon, Wilsonville Sonic meet, Saturday, February 11th I will be there by 6pm, and we will finish the event, when everyone takes off, or around 9pm. This has always been a fun event,& I am looking forward to seeing everyone there! As always, this is a family Friendly event, all are welcome, & no club affiliation is required. I hope you all are able to attend!
  17. Well,I don't know if it was the weather, or what,but I was the only person who showed up for this event. I waited about 3 hours, just in case, then left. Hopefully my next attempts to organize events for Datsun people will work out better.
  18. I'm here at Fir Point Farms, waiting for everyone to get here. I hope you can all make it!
  19. If you have t-shirts made with this drawing, I would like to have one. Let me know. Thanks!
  20. Every event I personally organize is open to anyone who likes Datsuns, & those Datsun loving people are welcome to bring thier family along. Every event I personally organize will be family friendly(meaning children are welcome ). Every event I have personally organized is open to everyone. Being a member of any particular club is not required, nor discouraged. From the very beginning of the planning process, I spoke with Steven Pepka, of Datsuns NW, & Dan Uphoff, of Northwest Datsun owners Association, to get thier input, & hopefully,the attendance of the members of both thier clubs. Any event I ever personally organize is open to everyone, unless I specifically state that it is a Datslocos only event. It is unlikely that any event I personally organize ever will be a Datslocos members only event. That would be,in my opinion counterproductive to my goal, of uniting the Datsun community. At some point, I hope to officially co-organize many events with the other clubs. Considering that I am Vice President of Datslocos Oregon, & I personally organized this event, this is a Datslocos Oregon event. Let me state again however, that this event is open to everyone. I hope you are able to attend.
  21. Sorry Rick. I messed up there,I guess. So,let me re-phrase what I was trying to say. Anyone who likes Datsuns (which would probably include anyone reading this post)is welcome to attend, & welcome to bring thier family along,since this event is specifically meant to be family friendly. If you happen to have children, it would probably be a good time to have them try out thier Halloween costumes,& I will bring a couple bags of Halloween candy. If anyone who would like to bring some more candy,that would be appreciated. There is a small fee for the corn maze, or for $12 there is a wristband available that allows the wearer to participate in all the activities fir Point Farms is putting on that day. There is also a store,& Deli,etc on site,& a pumpkin patch as well.
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