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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Around here they carry their dogs in them or strollers. Seeing people put their dogs in strollers still has me scratching my head. Weirdos.
  2. I, thankfully, get to work from home now. I drive Stanley on the weekend to keep the fluids moving. He hasn’t been my daily in years. I don’t want anything happening to him. Thadeus gets driven a couple times a week these days. I filled him up a couple weekends ago for $6.19. I don’t really go anywhere. Mostly, cause there’s people out here. Bleck! LOL!
  3. Totally took me a minute to figure out who you were talking about. I couldn’t stand that movie.
  4. Face it, Kotter. You’re out of date. You’re a DeSoto in a world of Datsuns. ~ Vice Principal Woodman: Welcome Back, Kotter
  5. Thanks! I started my resto about 10-11 years ago. He’s always looked good but I’ve been sprucing him up over the years. I keep Stanley in the garage too. He hasn’t been my daily driver for years. Weekend toy and car show queen these days. LOL!
  6. Your 210 is still a baby ❤️ That’s some pretty low mileage. I’m over 219k now and still going.
  7. What is it you want to do to it vs what needs to be done first is where you should start. And everything datzenmike said. It looks pretty solid on the outside. How’s the interior?
  8. Who knew ratsun had a sweet spot?! I’m on a desktop all damn day for work anyhow but this is good to know. Especially when I should be sleeping but I’m sitting here staring at my iPad.
  9. There's all kinds of things wrong with that isn't there? Just like my internet.
  10. Pretty high tech with steam power. My internet ran a little something like this
  11. Whaaat? That's weird. But thanks!
  12. You know what, just drop colourbox. Leave me as Cleopatra Jones.
  13. I remember that guy. He did just vanish didn't he? Kinda like rosey rosey rose or whatever her name was. Disappeared as quickly as they appeared.
  14. It's beautiful but it did alter my sign in.
  15. Mmmm Bailey's 🤤 Fucking Photobucket and their damn big ass watermarks! Jeebus!
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