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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. New decals showed up. Lettering looks soooo much better! Tomorrow I'll spray with clear and then I'll start gluing pieces on.
  2. Great, thanks! I knew my tire size going in when I bought the new ones but stupid ass me didn't check before leaving with them and only noticed a few months later when I finally discovered they were throwing off my mileage. There's a lot of those radar speed signs in LA and every time I drive by one I check my speedometer to the sign and it's always 5mph off and only started with new 175 tires. Those new tires aren't hurting anything so I may keep them until they wear out but the mileage being off is driving me nuts. I meant to get the right size tires a while ago but I'm senile and kept forgetting. I ended up with the wrong size tires on my Pathfinder once and the front tires kept rubbing that plastic piece toward the front of the tire in the wheel well. I forget what that's called. I had to replace it and I bought new tires at the right size. I had to tell them which size because they all keep deferring to their computer and it's wrong. Anywho, thanks again for the verification. I'm sure I have the proper tire size written someplace but who knows where that is 🙂
  3. I have tire question. I can't remember what size tires I had before I got the new ones a few years back. I know I had the recommended size before. I didn't pay attention when I got the new tires (should have cause shop systems always have the wrong damn size for my vehicles) and I now have 175/70R13 which is messing up my mileage. The 175 tires they gave me are actually correct for the wagon and hatchback but the sedan takes 155. I have to drive 5mph over what the speedometer says in order to drive the correct speed limit. I looked at my owner's manual and the proper size is 155-13/6.15-13-4PR (whatever all that means) or 155SR13. I haven't found any 155SR13. I found a photo of a sedan and it has P155/80R13 which sounds really familiar and I think that's what I had previously and I can find that size. Can someone help a sista out and let me know if I get the P155/80R13 that I'll be good? Thanks!
  4. You should def try another. After having done my first car I’ve thought of a lot better ways to do this one. I just hope I don’t mess up. I used my husband’s dremel on these. He even rigged up a foot peddle so I could start and stop easier.
  5. I was trying to make a tiny footer for the driver’s side fender mirror so I could glue it to the door but that JB Weld just sets too gosh darn fast. It’s such a teeny tiny piece it’s near impossible to work with. I wanted to make a mirror on the first car I did but it’s just too small. Maybe one day I’ll try and have somebody 3D print one. Fools will probably want to charge me $100 😶 So far I’m diggin the decals. Wish I had thought of this before I started the first car and not when I was damn near done. This one is going to look a lot cleaner.
  6. Decals finally came in. The type in the emblems didn't come out as well as last time so the place I had them printed is trying to beef up the type some to see if it'll print better. Meanwhile, I have the taillights and side trim on. I don't want to glue on any pieces (bumper, license plates, side markers, etc) until I have all the decals placed. I'll have to spray with clear after I get all the decals on.
  7. Thanks Duncan! I'm really hoping the photo versions hold up but the line art versions should look pretty good. I can't wait to see them. My first attempt on the car the quarter panel emblems looked amazing for only being 5mm wide. I've already got the teeny tiny license plates. They're 7mm wide.
  8. Got the car painted. Waiting on the decals I sent to Bedlam Creations yesterday to come. Probably in a week. You can sorta see some 210 emblems I was making in the ground. People have been asking for emblems so I made those too. Here's the art I sent for decals. One is a photo version and the other is a redrawn version in Illustrator. Not too bad if I say so myself 🙂
  9. I just shut off my computer for the night a bit ago but I had been wanting to post the last vector art I created of the grille and lights in case the photo doesn’t turn out. But ratsun site was not cooperating. I’ll do that tomorrow.
  10. This is the first time since Thursday I’ve been able to get in. Actually Thursday it gave me the security certificate expired but it asked if I wanted to proceed anyway so I did. Wasn’t able to Friday or yesterday. Suddenly an hour ago I was getting email notifications about my posts so I figured it’s back up and here I am 😀
  11. Maybe just a little but mostly obsessive about my art being right 🙂
  12. Still working on getting the decals the proper size. Think I just about got it. How cool would that look if the print came out really nice on the decal paper? That's printed on my shitty ink jet but it'd be amazing if the photo version of my grille worked.
  13. It took me 5 tries but I finally got two good bumpers made up. Also fashioned a flat piece to fit in the grille area. Need to sand everything down. Then I'll start making sure the decals I'm creating will fit properly.
  14. Took photos of Stanley's grille and lights. I'm also redrawing them in Illustrator in case the photos when printed 1:43 scale look like caca dookie. I know the vector art will look good. I'm hoping the photos will hold up though. That would be amazing for more realistic details. I need to brighten up the color on the photos and add a little more detail to the vector but here's the beginning.
  15. Funny thing is I saw this years ago but didn't pay attention to whether they had a band name or not. Didn't realize it was the same girls....now young ladies.
  16. I'm going to start back on this. I had to revisit my how to cause I forgot some of what I did. I'm taking the spare car I bought and I'm going to use decals this time around for the grille, front side lights and taillights. I'm going to take pics of Stanley's grille and lights and scale it down. Hopefully it doesn't look like ass when printed on the decal paper. I'm getting the other car started now. Removing all the pieces so I can strip the paint off of it. That's today. Tomorrow I'll take pics of Stanley and then get the file set up for printing all the decals. Mini Stanley 2.0 ...... it begins
  17. Fuuuuuuccccckkkkk!!!!!! I HATE people who bring their damn dogs into stores. Dogs make me nervous. Always fun when dogs start attacking each other in the store too. And they always got their nose on products or licking products. So damn gross. Really gross in grocery stores.
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