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Cleopatra Jones

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Cleopatra Jones last won the day on September 24 2017

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About Cleopatra Jones

  • Birthday November 11

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  • Location
    Land of the fruits and the nuts...and the rest are flakes
  • Cars
    '81 210 (aka Stanley), ‘23 Kia (aka Hutchins)
  • Occupation
    Print Production/Graphic Design/Web

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  1. It's official. Company not doing well. I now have no job. Oh boy. Unemployment here I come. Weeeehoooooo!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Thanks Adam.Totally sucks. Not the first time and dare say it won't be the last. Just tired of starting over. On the bright side, more junkyard time!

    3. j_boy_619


      Haha I'm on the same boat (or have been for about a month or two now)But its more time for my projects.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Got an interview scheduled for tomorrow. I've already freelanced at this place in the past so I'm sure it's a slam dunk. Darn! Was looking forward to junkyard therapy :)

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